Reviews for Masters Gold
Guest chapter 65 . 11/15/2017
What a story! It was really well written, I couldn't stop reading. I didn't particularly like the characters (as people), but the story was really good, you are a wonderful writer.
Sorceress of the Trees chapter 65 . 10/29/2012
This was pretty good. I want more though. I am pretty sure I spotted a sequel.
I'm surprised about the amount of children
Sorceress of the Trees chapter 18 . 10/29/2012
I think I like this Jack more than the other one.
Bessie has to grow on me. I don't dislike her or anything.
Sorceress of the Trees chapter 8 . 10/29/2012
uh...i took me awhile to review bc i didn't know how to take the story yet.
I still don't but I wont be able to stop reading.
Bessie is no Kitty. lol. I really don't have much to say. Just I'm here and readin.
Alvilda chapter 65 . 6/1/2008
Loved it! Will be reading the sequel right now, even though I probably shouldn't as it is too late already.. :)
SeriousRumLuva chapter 65 . 6/17/2007
HOLY SHIT! This story is seriously amazing! I was glued to my computer for days wanting to finish it! Ah, I love it so much! (goes to read the sequel)
A.D. Rath chapter 65 . 6/5/2007
I just finished the entire thing and I must say you are incredible! I was iffy on this story starting out, but I persevered and boy am I glad I did! That being said, you did an amazing job on all the character's metamorphses. Kudos! Jack morphed into the character I know and adore him for, and that is reason enough for me to inform you that you are bloody brillant, but then you went and wrote it all using proper and correct grammar while at the same time staying true to history! So bravo! I would adore more ;)
SlytherinTwinCC chapter 65 . 4/17/2007
I just finished this story. It was interesting. I usually have trouble reading fics that contain pairings I don't necessairily like, Jack/OC for example. So when I do read em' its because they're well written. So erm.. theres a compliment! I may return to your profile and check out some of yer other fics later. Anyways, g'job! :D
Elle-is-odd chapter 1 . 8/30/2006
great story!
Melanie-Chan chapter 19 . 7/10/2006
Darn you. You've done it again.

Or perhaps i'm PMSing..

This chapter made me tear up, I love how Jack is becoming more and more...Gentle and Caring towards Bessie. I just wish she'd have a bit more of a backbone..but considering what she's been though, you can't really expect her to change so quickly.
Melanie-Chan chapter 14 . 7/10/2006
I wasn't going to review until i've finished reading the end..but I couldn't help it.

I cried soo hard when Bessie lost the babies...I cried even harder when Jack had tears in his eyes.

I really hope they do fall in love later on and such.

Alamo Girl chapter 6 . 1/6/2006
Good gravy! Yeah he darn-well just about raped her, didn't he? *snerk*

As potentially "hot" as that was.. I knew he would stop. Eh, he's a guy...a guy who thinks he's irrisitable...and he's horny. Its to be expected.

Poor Bess, I did feel sorry for her though. Caught 'twix a rock and a 'hard-pirate'..I mean a 'hard' place! *grin*

Great chapter! I continue on...
Alamo Girl chapter 2 . 1/6/2006
Oh VERY well written! Wonderful grasp of the language and manerisms of the time frame, especially for Jack - and a great job on capturing the life of a poor maid in that century. I'm very impressed.

I'm also very impressed with the way you've caputred Jeck - a bit darker than the film - but right on target for where he should be...being this isn't Disney! *grin*

I continue on...Awesome work!
pirateaurora chapter 65 . 12/21/2005
Again I've neglected you - I've read your whole story and loved it! but did not review until the end. It's because I was too entranced - excellent writing - you're truly gifted. i have to say I like the characters better in this piece then in your kitty series - just my preference though. Off to read the next one in the series! Thx for writing these.
Sauruna chapter 65 . 11/26/2005
good story! althought I hate it when he ages,...(schniffel)Liked the dutch part in it, because I'm from Belgium myself, if you need any translations for editted chapters or so, feel free to ask.
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