Reviews for On the Brink of Oblivion
Falan chapter 1 . 12/10/2005
Well, I can't say I like this one as well as the other three. I suppose it's just not my taste. It's got interesting dynamics. But this is generally why I don't read one-shots. They are short, and don't really have much story to them. Well, I suppose it has story, it's just not what I like. No offense, but I think I'll stick to the other three fics. Hm... Now... how to plot ways of getting the author to write more... **runs off while trying to come up with plots to make the author write more awesomeness. And continues to make up words on the way**
407 chapter 1 . 7/31/2005
Incredible little fanfic, amazingly written, really interesting and unique. And finally, I've read a convincing redeemed!Draco. Keep up the good work.
Dust Bunny Assassin chapter 1 . 7/24/2005
Very interesting premise. I particularly like how you handle Draco here. The language, especially the dialogue, is unnecessarily florid in my opinion, but the originality of the story more than makes up for it. A very enjoyable and thought-provoking fic!
Aludra chapter 1 . 7/18/2005
Wow. This was a really beautiful story. I don't think I've ever seen Malfoy portrayed so well in a fanfic, and Justin's character was amazing. It was incredibly realistic. I enjoyed it immensely.
Catchy Pen Name chapter 1 . 6/30/2005
Loved it. Very intense, showing the stories of two different people ending up in the same place. It really was a brilliant fic, and written very well. And the spiritual side leaves the reader with something to think about. FF needs more fics like this. You're a good author.
Taintless chapter 1 . 6/30/2005
Wow, how intense. The image of red slush Pansy was very, very effective, I must say, as was the rest of the story. I'm gonna add it to my C2 archive. It's brilliant!
Ellen chapter 1 . 6/29/2005
That was a really great, original story. I really liked the way you didn't try to glorify Malfoy as someone who had seen the error of his ways but you still made him believable. Justin seemed a little braggy, but maybe that's just the way he is.
account chapter 1 . 4/24/2005
Backroads chapter 1 . 1/10/2005
Interesting choice of characters... I really liked all the thoughts you brought in. Great lok at the different houses.
After the Rain chapter 1 . 12/26/2004
Wow. That was a really dark, powerful take on the war, and despite the fact that it's so short, it leaves you with a lot to think about. I particularly like Justin on the power of propaganda...

"There’s magic in names, I’m here to tell you. Power, the kind that one will never get with a wand. I went into that meeting a scared child looking for assurance, but I left as the member of an army."

... and Draco's story of how Pansy "wanted to watch the carnage" (reminds me a bit of the stories of picnickers showing up to watch the first battles of the Civil War, and realizing too late what they'd gotten themselves into). Actually, there seem to be a lot of little historical echoes here, which is part of what makes it so plausible.

One nitpick: There does seem to be a bit of purple prose, at least in the beginning; I'm not sure the "favonian gust" or the "yonic slice in Mother Earth" add much to the story (nor am I convinced Justin would be thinking in those terms). The simpler language toward the end has a lot more impact.
marley greene chapter 1 . 12/6/2004
this is brilliant, i really liked this side of the final battle. i liked the psychological bit for malfoy and i liked seeing poor justin. all i know about the boy is that harry 'turned the snake on him' and that he's muggleborn. in conclusion, 'favonian' is my second favorite word. it's only outranked by it's compliment 'zephyr.' in serious finality, wonderful job, i'm off to read more of your work.
Verdenia chapter 1 . 11/17/2004
Pretty intense. Interesting. You seem to like "favonian". Nice word. I actually hadn't seen it before [which is saying something].

I'm pretty sure you want "other's" here. Presuming you're only talking about one person.

Did you mean "persued"?

Something about this sentence wants changing. :P

Cool ficlet.
there goes my gun chapter 1 . 11/3/2004
Excellent. Nice to see an often unused character get a bit of time. Great gallows humour, very condemning of war, and FINALLY - an in-character Draco Malfoy who actually has a reason for deserting. What a treat.
thirty2flavors chapter 1 . 8/27/2004
Whee! That was quite good, quite good indeed. I like that it was Justin, merely because... well, no one ever thinks of him, do they? The fact that you chose to write with him at all makes it quite unique. Your writing style was nice and sophisticated, and, like the other reviewers said, I liked Draco's part of it. I particularly liked the line 'They had the best blood imaginable, but it was doing them much good, soaking through my shoes' becuse it seemed to make perfect sense, in a way. Seemed to give him a concrete reason for going to the other side.

All in all, I quite liked it. Woo!

And, since you asked, yes, my penname /does/ come from Ani Difranco's song. )
Colin Taylor chapter 1 . 7/22/2004
Wow. That was... one of the best Fan Fictions I've read in a loong time. Very deep.

I liked the whole part about Draco, it sounds VERY convincing. Not one of those "Draco turns good for no reason" fic... I hate those.

But this... well, it truly deserves a 10/10.
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