Reviews for Someone To Talk To
CaptMacKenzie chapter 1 . 11/1/2011
I just love the story you invented around Remy's parents. I would love to see a sequel, though doubtless you've long moved on & aren't even expecting ppl to discover & read this fic anymore, much less be thinking about it enough to get back into the groove & write! (such a shame!)

I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for submitting!
TheUltimateGambit91 chapter 1 . 1/18/2008
very sweet. love it. :P nice work.

nana chapter 1 . 5/6/2007
Nimarah chapter 1 . 8/15/2005
Sweet and short. I loved it! (Course, I do love most anything with Remyin it, but hey!)
Some Scribbles chapter 1 . 6/3/2005
Yes, definitly cute. Left me with a little smile tugging on my lips. Very nice.
Charisma Brendon chapter 1 . 10/10/2004
Aw, that was cute...

and sweet...

and not a good thing to read when listening to emo. :p
Abaiisiia chapter 1 . 8/10/2004
yay! ROMY goodness! horay! that was really cool, but I mad at you because Some things Logan said were so damn funny, And I'm in a liberary right now, And the Liberiarian told me to shut up. Embaressed the crap out of , It would be cool if you'd update!
Rehsh chapter 1 . 8/10/2004


Momma to Remi L.
Jenny chapter 1 . 8/9/2004
I liked how Gambit said he could die happy when Rogue hugged him. I agree with him about his mother being too harsh on her though. Sounds like she could turn into the mother-in-law from hell. She had no right being such a bitch to a woman she didn't even know about a situation that was none of her business anyway after she only heard one side of the story. Whether Gambit is her son or not, she is a grown woman and should have the maturity to realize that he may not be completely blameless here and that he may have hurt her as well. I understand she would want what's best for him, but really, after Remy told her about Rogue's mutation, would it be too much to have some compassion for this woman and realize that maybe she doesn't have it any easier than Remy (after showing him so much before even knowing who he was)? Mrs. Winslow isn't a bad character accept for her nastiness and lack of compassion towards Rogue though. It was nice how she took him in. The last few lines between Gambit and Wolverine were classic however and some of the most enjoyable dialogue I've seen written between them in fanfiction in quite a while.
Munku-JGSPTV chapter 1 . 8/9/2004
aw! *filled with squidgy happiness* This fic was fantasmic! I think I actually liked Remy and his mother's reunitation better than him and Rogue's.. maybe just cos she was a bitch to him. Aww, I wish there was more, this was great _ Yay!
Tena chapter 1 . 8/8/2004
Wonderful,I would like there to be other chapters to this.
Sweety8587 chapter 1 . 8/8/2004
*taps her chest over her heart* That lil fic got me right there. Short and sweet. Loved it. Gonna get a print of it and keep it with my other x-men fics. Any hopes of a sequel?
remy'n'rogue chapter 1 . 8/7/2004
awesome story, glad you decided to write it :)
ishandahalf chapter 1 . 8/7/2004
aww, that was SO very cute! huzzah. ;-)
Lady Farevay chapter 1 . 8/7/2004

Wow,that was great!

Very sweet him finding his mother and her name is 'Pepper' lol! I liked her story,whatever gave you the idea? perhaps I should take showers instead of baths *Ponders* lol

Great story luv!,

Lady F