Reviews for The Cycle of Ages: New World Order
Supersaiyaninfinitygohan chapter 30 . 4/25/2014
Well, that was quite a ride you took me on! Whilst a lot more straight forward than the first installment, the sequel was just as enjoyable, if not more so. I must say, this story has only gone up. It started out as one of those "Tails grows up" stories to a "Tails gone bad" story to a "The world is gonna go BOOM" story and yet again changed to "Reality could go BOOM" stories. Every step of the way kept me wondering what was going to happen and if everyone was indeed going to come out okay, and the fact that you were willing to let some not make it out okay is a real testament as a writer and only increases my respect for you.

Now, so that I don't seem like a yes man, I should get into the nitty gritty of the story:
As I mentioned before, things seemed to hinge a little too much on Tails. I mean, I get he's practically a god, but it sort of takes away from the other characters' importance.
Also, while I support most of the changes from the original comic and games, I do have some issues with whats been done with King Acorn. I mean, since he's a totally different character from the comics, some background on how he changed would have helped a lot. I also feel like the Devourer and Knuckles could have benefited from some more focus... I might as well put Sonic in the same boat while I'm at it cause I felt we barely got to see him in,,, well either story really.
Lastly, I highly suggest looking into some different character dialogue because one moment everyone's in character, the next it feels like they're quoting war poems or reciting philosophical scripts.

Back to the good things, its beyond clear that you put TONS of work into this as well as a lot of research and world-building. This could have very well been its own book if there was perhaps one setting the scene before NWO :P

As I said its been a fantastic read and I really appreciate the time you took to make this all.
Supersaiyaninfinitygohan chapter 24 . 3/30/2014
Well, this was an exceptional chapter. The switches between scenes were very focused on the main plot, not to say that the sideplots were boring, the main is just more interesting. As it should be.
Having Nail and Lara work together seemed an odd choice to me, and I would have perhaps enjoyed some banter between them. Sort of solidifying a relationship between them and creating some deviation from the darker tone.
Although, I am looking forward to Tails' fight with The Devourer and some insight into his past.

While the fight with Mogul was exceptionally written, I will say that it ended a tad suddenly (by this I mean the main part with them at their peaks and not the last little slug out). I mean, it seemed to be near the climax and then just fell short of it. Sorry to say.
The rest of it was very interesting however, and I would hazard to guess that if/when Tails meets his clone, he's going to take over its body :P
Supersaiyaninfinitygohan chapter 21 . 3/16/2014
This was a most intriguing chapter. Lots of action and plot development and I'm really interested to finally find out what happened to the echidnas at Haven (assuming that will be revealed soon). If I do have one problem though... I guess it would be with Tails' current character. I fully understand that with hormones, unbelievable power and thoughts of being smarter than everyone going to his head, have changed him a tad. I suppose that perhaps I may just be a little too attached to the canon, happy-go-lucky Tails or perhaps it may just be that no other character has really evolved with him... well not noticeably really. Sorry if that seems a tad harsh, just something I've kinda noticed recently.
Back to the chapter at hand, I'm glad Nail once again has made his appearance as he's always fun to have around though I do wish him and Miles would get along better :P
Constantly referencing back to the war at hand is also a nice touch as it keeps scenes from seeming too similar and gives a needed change of pace.
Supersaiyaninfinitygohan chapter 18 . 3/9/2014
These interludes have been interesting. They gave a lot more background info than the regular story, but still added to the plot nonetheless.
Supersaiyaninfinitygohan chapter 17 . 3/5/2014
I'm glad to see Tails is back and things are getting back to the main focus of the story. Not to say that the subplots aren't interesting, I just find this one moreso.
Also, I've poking around your Deviantart... so I kinda know who the other... bearers? will be. Crossing that with what you said last chapter (Lara being the strongest person minus Tails and such), does that mean how powerful you are is dependant on in what order you got the gem, or is it more inner power and the like?
Supersaiyaninfinitygohan chapter 13 . 2/23/2014
A really nice chapter this was. I'm still disappointed by the current lack of Tails, but I suppose we got quite a bit of him in the ACO. Charmy's dilemma is a nice input and I can't help but feel bad for him, especially since I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach the little guy's gonna meet a rather grizzly end.
Supersaiyaninfinitygohan chapter 9 . 2/19/2014
Well this chapter pretty much blew me away. Really, Big as the baddy took me by complete surprise. Bravo to you sir! Bravo!
Supersaiyaninfinitygohan chapter 6 . 2/16/2014
I'm enjoying the mystery being brought around Tails' 'death'. Its a lot nicer than just bringing him back out of nowhere. I also like how you're keeping St. John a villain, like in the comics, but at the same time making him a lot easier to sympathize with (narrow-minded world view aside).
I liked this chapter a lot, I just really hope we can get to see Sonic, Tails and co. soon. Especially some of Knuckles considering we barely saw any of him in ACO.
Supersaiyaninfinitygohan chapter 3 . 2/13/2014
An intriguing start to this one if I do say so myself. I'm a little upset about Rouge taking Tails' stuff, but I suppose every character needs flaws :P
As I've said before, I think world building is one of your greatest talents, the Kitsune Council being a nice addition.
I will admit though that I think I might have accidentally skipped a chapter in the first story, as I don't remember Tails and Nail ever exchanging blows over Rouge.
aceventury chapter 9 . 11/14/2011

DaddlerTheDalek chapter 30 . 11/6/2011
Great! Will you make a Sequel?
Zefiren chapter 1 . 9/15/2010
Thanks much for the fast reply, I would have sent you a msg but I'm on my mobile right now and I don't know hot to send a pm from there,

Anyway good to know you're working on this.

Also I remembered a question that I failed to ask last time, in the reload I'm really hoping that tail's and sonic"s reunion goes a bit more emotional than it did in the original (big fan of the whole sonic/tails brother relationship) because sonic's comment on how tails has been picking up chicks all this time (while funny) didn't seem like the thing to say after finding out his best friend is alive.

Also looking forward to tails and merlings eventual fight, are you planing on having all of tail's acolytes (sonic, sally, antoine, fiona and lara) fight against all of merlings acolytes? Or the devourer's?

Thanks in advance.
Zefiren chapter 30 . 9/15/2010
Ok finally getting around to posting a review.

After my second read of this fantastic series y must say that this is by FAR the best piece of fanfiction I have read so far, I eagerly await for either the re-load of NWO or the posting of the third book.

Now if your still working on this I would like to know if the re-load to NWO will still introduce tails (or is it Miles now?) So late into the story? Also will the cat-country arc be as long as it was?

And finally seeing as how rouges pregnancy was not mention on the reload of the first book I'm guessing you decided to scrap that from the story?

Great story keep it up!
Samurai Yoshi chapter 30 . 6/20/2010
Dude your ether a huge sonic fan like me or you've done your homework.
Zaru chapter 1 . 12/7/2009
I just finished ACO, and I am glad I can continue on this vast Cycle of Ages! Keep up the good work.
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