Reviews for Last Stop
yuritsudalove chapter 11 . 11/9/2017
Just do you know I loved the story. Killin characters is not really bad as long it does not feels forced and this one... Was so sad. But that's how life usually is filled with good and bad moments. I read this like months ago but still remember vividly how it goes. That's for your time!
yuritsudalove chapter 11 . 11/9/2017
Getting on the feel train..following the leaves on the feel train.. Blowing like a breeze on the feel train...
AnimexFreakz 0.o chapter 11 . 11/30/2016
Nooooooooo, she really died! Awwwwww it was so cute, not that I didn't like the ending! Personally I'm a sucker for happy endings though. Still, thanks for writing!
SnowNine chapter 11 . 5/8/2016
Wonderful story! I know it's old and all but i only recently go into Fanfiction. Little sad with the ending but it makes for a great change of pace.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/2/2016
Shitty ending! I cried. I hate crying. So good though. May 2, 2016. That's how good it was.
Minirowan chapter 11 . 4/29/2013
This made me cry. I hate that you killed off Hitomi, but I understand not all HV fics can have a happy ending. Still, I was not expecting that!

I think you did a great job with Van in the first person; the narration wasn't awkward at all. He has an interesting way of seeing things, I especially liked his interpretation of Hitomi's expressions, even if they were far from she was actually thinking.

If anything I'm glad Hitomi's family supported Van like they did. Just because he would have been their son-in-law didn't mean they had to treat him as part of the family, especially given how little time there was to get to know him.

Anyway, this was a great story!
citizen639 chapter 11 . 1/5/2013
I liked it a lot seams like it should be made into a movie.
QueenMilaAshdown chapter 11 . 3/15/2012
Well, you really do know how to evoke an emotion. I was reading this during study hall and it took all my self control to keep from sobbing
riga91 chapter 11 . 5/8/2011
You're, like, my favourite writer right now. The writing style, the tone, the general...uh, "feel" of the story is amazingly good. I kept re-reading paragraphs and dialouges. Best part: "Hitomi had locked it away in her heart, always smiled at me, always dodged the question, always lied. Always lied. She lied about it. She lied to me. She lied from the very beginning..." Wow. Baljad baljad it was like entering someone else's mind. Few stories can do that. Do you have original stuff? I'd love to read it :) Please never stop writing! r u gonna update Something I Missed? finish it please. (o, and "baljad" is "really" in english isn't amazing these days, I have this weird pseudo-language thing going on) (Also, since you're a music fanatic I highly recommend The Airborne Toxic Event. Listen to their song "papillon")
emoly01 chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
I love it! The end made me cry!
Chantal chapter 11 . 10/26/2009
Reading has always been a passion of mine, which is why I do so every, single day. Because books are becoming more and more expensive, mostly Fanfiction satisfies my reading-needs. To put it bluntly: I have read A LOT. It is amazing how many really Good stories are out there, but very few (If not None)have managed to get to me like Last Stop did. Your writing style is great and you somehow manage to discribe Van (as you see him) perfectly. His personality throughout the fic. is unique and intriguing. The way he sees things and Feels things, no- it's more the way that you discribe it that fascinates me so much. Your story touched me in such extends, that I was crying throughout the entire last two chapters...

Just so you know, this must be the longest review I have ever given anyone. To tell the truth, I haven't really reviewed in a very long time. But your story definitely deserves my respect, which is why I'm writing this. But I won't annoy you by writing a too long and very boring review (even though I probably have alredy crossed that line...)- :)

Thank you for sharing your story,

craziestanimefan chapter 11 . 11/8/2008
Wow. All I can say is wow. That was such a beautiful story. A tale of someone cold, bitter, and utterly lonely like Van finding love in his princess Hitomi, only to lose her at the end. It was sad and it made me cry, but it was significant. A happy ending would've been nice, but the sad ending really made the message and emotions that much stronger. It was touching and powerful and bittersweet. I applaud you and add this to my favorites.
Tara-Yo chapter 11 . 9/24/2008
can't you write an alternative ending or something? Please?
alex chapter 11 . 9/21/2008
Thank you.
Celena Black chapter 11 . 5/10/2008
hey...this story is amazing, what especially caught my attention is one of your notes at the end (or was it beginning) where you said that sometimes it was better to write about something that can actually happen...that made me stop and think for a while - as my own little pointless stories tend to be about things abit too far fetched to be true - and as i continued reading i agreed with you wholeartedly and then she died...

you had me asking what's the point? he's struggled that much, fought to love, then lost that love-it brought to mind the saying 'is it better to have loved and lost or not to have loved at all' and grudgingly at the end i had to say, yes i got the message you were trying to put across, even though it had me in tears...

Among this babbling i was trying to say...Thank You so much for writing such a beautiful strory!I enjoyed every minute!

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