Reviews for Stardust
amber chapter 6 . 2/14/2013
What happen next?
xxoikilluoxx chapter 6 . 7/20/2011
Omg is kagome falling in love with her master and will his wish for all the princess's love wat will happen with sango and miroku's unborn child
Brokenmiko chapter 6 . 3/23/2011
I have read this story a few times hoping you would update it! It is such a cliff hanger you left it at!
elf mermaid chapter 6 . 11/24/2010
Oooh, this is a cool story. It reminds me of the movie "Stardust". I also loved your remake of Wind's Nocturne. What exactly Kagome wanting Inuyasha to know? That your happiness comes through someone else's unhappiness? For example, they were only able to have those things because Kagome took them from someone else? Also, is there a reason why Kagome cannot wish for herself? Does it have anything to do with the fact that she's stardust?

*gasp* I just realized, remembering from the beginning about what Inuyasha's mother said about stars. THAT MEANS KAGOME IS A SOUL. Right? Or something like that? Thank you so much for writing this, and please update soon! Also, my e-mail is up for others to see, so please e-mail me when you update "I'll Remember You". And thank you so much for writing that too, along with the others on mm .org that I can't fav. :P
CYRA1104 chapter 6 . 4/22/2010
Please update! I really love it!
IDreamInWords chapter 6 . 3/21/2010
Please please finish this story! *puppy eyes* It's lovely, marvelous and the plot is so unique! You've written it wonderfully and it keeps me gripped! Normally, I can get an inkling as to what is coming next in any fanfic (sometimes I can even tell the entire future plot accurately) but this story is so fantastically unpredictable that I can't even begin to guess! I really really hope you will get back to it~ I am starving to know more! I love everything about this story, please, I really really hope I get to see how it proceeds...
Neko4life chapter 6 . 1/1/2010
you have to finish writing that story! i have fallen in love with it. i like the idea of kagome being the genie and inuyasha being his sweet yet greedy stupid self. and i have a question: when she says she would grant the wish to the fullest does that mean that the wish would be taken to the extreme? and does it matter if inuyasha wishes it to be in a positive way?
inuyashacrazy-12 chapter 6 . 7/6/2009
hmm that was odd wats kag so worried about with these wishes? update soon please
Kyprish Prophetess chapter 6 . 1/23/2009
? I think I'll need a few more chapters to fully understand this...
psycochick32 chapter 6 . 12/7/2008

I know it's been AGES...


if you could find it in your heart to give more... that's be SO fantastic I'd cry tears of joy...

*looks all adorable*
inukagzrulez chapter 6 . 11/5/2008
please write another i love it
kagomesbutterflyfeeling chapter 6 . 5/5/2008
Oh, this story is so different from all the others I've read. I don't even know where this is heading, and I LOVE IT! I'm trying to understand what's going on with Kagome, but I find I'm just going to have to read and wait to find out. Plus I'm trying to work out the deal with Kikyo, I think she's using Inuyasha, but I don't know.

The idea for this is ingenius, your writing is brilliant, you write and describe everything perfectly and I can imagine what the characters are feeling, wearing and where they are, EVERYTHING! You're such a talented writer!

I can't wait to read more, this story is so good! Please update again soon! Please, please, please, I'm going to be so anxious for the next chapter, but if yu don't that's fine, its your story and your time! I love this story so much!

Till I hear from you next!

Have fun and keep up the great work!

ChrissyCocaine chapter 6 . 12/27/2007
OH! I wonder whats wrong! This story is so awesome, please update soon!
Emma chapter 6 . 7/26/2007

this is such a great story, and its really Interesting as well.

I hope that you will Contiune it and update very soon :)
jessiskags chapter 6 . 6/25/2007
this story is so interesting!
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