Reviews for Determined Protector
Phyllis Nodrey chapter 4 . 3/10/2005
You can't just leave it like that! You must must must must Must write more! I like this fic a lot, and especially love how you portrayed the characters.

I'm still Sei about 40? He's not really Old is he?

Write more please!
Threshie chapter 4 . 9/20/2004
Aww! My favorite moment was when Dilandau cracked up laughing. _ The mental image was just so cute... I somehow get this feeling, since Gatti didn't make any reply, that Dilandau was making up what he was reading to scare the others, but that's probably not true. *Shrug* it's an amusing thought, though.

Another great chapter! Helps me enjoy it now that I know who the heck Sei is...LOL. Before reading the RP, I had the strangest mental image of him, and it certainly didn't match the REAL description...

-Threshie )
LadyThompson chapter 4 . 9/20/2004

Who's going to run the DS and how long will Dilandau let them live?

I feel for Gatty in this. That has to be absolutely infuriating.

::Attempts to glomp him but is pummelled for all the times he's been beaten up in my fics.::

I think you have a good opportunity to discuss leadership at it's base in this fic.


I do not expect too much. I just think that everyone improves with time and practice, no matter how good or bad they are at their writing.

You're doing quite well. You've kept me highly interested. So interested that I must demand that your muses come out with more of this fic or suffer the wrath of Folkie.
Sakura Shinguji-Albatou chapter 4 . 9/19/2004
Doc. *Giggles*

“, you...thought I was...gonna hurt him...
Ryuko-chan chapter 3 . 9/6/2004
Hehehe. I love this... "Dilandau watched the physician arranging the cookies. 'You are such a girl, setting up cookies like that. They’re just going to get eaten.'" That just made me laugh.

It's good so far. I'd love to see where it's going. I have a vested interest in Celena, as you know... :) Please be nice to her... At least a little... for my sake? I mean, if you're gonna kill her, it could be a painless death or something.

Also, I did find Yaifa's name in connection with the Escaflowne manga. And in fact, he's in it as far as I have it. He's a good guy. Very nice. :D But you know, a "bad" guy. So he has to fight and all.
Threshie chapter 3 . 9/6/2004's my favorite lines:

"But no one stays alone forever." Very quotable-sounds like a fic title.

"‘How do you fee-eel?’"
Sakura Shinguji-Albatou chapter 3 . 9/6/2004
I love your interaction between Dilandau and Sei in this chapter!

“Oh, alright. Do I at least get cookies too?
Threshie chapter 2 . 9/1/2004
Wow...I'm so glad I decided to read this. FINALLY, some fan GETS the fact that an OC can be introduced, be an interesting character and have an interesting past history, and NOT BE A GIRL LOVE INTEREST. *Cough* Sorry, the girl OCs and self-insertions drive me crazy, as usually they're plotless, eheh...

I really, really like this fic. ;; I feel sorry for all the beat-up bishies, but I sorta expected that when I clicked on this story. It IS about a doctor, after all, and to have him interact with the other characters they have to be injured. I find myself liking Sei.

Is Yaifa, by any chance, the guy with the glasses who stands to the left of Dilandau's lion throne? I call him the name I've heard him called on several other sites-Kagero. *Shrug* I can't guerantee it's any more canon than Yaifa, I'd just like to know if they're both the same guy. (It'll be easier to cisualize if he is, LOL.)

Anyhow, excellent story that touches upon something I've never seen anyone mention before-that Dilandau, having been repeatedly harmed by the Madoushi, would likely HATE going to the hospital. ;; I like the sarcastic bits of humor in this story as well as the solemn and sometimes angtsy parts. Do continue, I'd love to see another chapter of this intriguing fic!

-Threshie )

w. /
Sakura Shinguji-Albatou chapter 2 . 8/27/2004
Wow, this is really cool! I've never read a Zaibach fic from this point of view before. this the TV-series version of the Yaifa in the Esca shounen manga?
InfamousLordDilandau chapter 2 . 8/26/2004
YAY! I love this story! My Sei is so very talented...::grins, and huggles:: Keep up the good work! It is my pleasure to be your ever faithful beta-er...((that's not a word...(-_-;; ))

*~The Infamous Lord Dilandau~*
LadyThompson chapter 2 . 8/24/2004


::Can't believe Dilandau just said taht::

A very engaging story, my friend.

Have you studied much about injuries and medical care?

To me, an amature at such things, it seems all very realistic.

You've got a good character on your hands.

Treat him well.

And have him send tea my way, if you please.

[[And, no, Folken did not come off as a jerk to me.

I feel that you played him as he normally would be portrayed.

Heh..though I did notice you didn't play him much.


Subconsciously avoiding playing Folken, perhaps?]]
LadyThompson chapter 1 . 8/24/2004

I am very impressed.

D is lucky to get to read this before anyone else.

This looks to be shaping up to a good story.

I have no suggestions, so I'm off to read the second chapter [which I must compliment you for the name you chose. Good pun.]
Adversity-X chapter 2 . 8/24/2004
I really like this, it's very good! _ I hope you write more and more! UPDATE SOON!_
clarisse chapter 1 . 8/17/2004
good start! don't stop now, update!
Stone chapter 1 . 8/17/2004
Certainly an interesting premise. Seeing what happens backstage is usually quite entertaining; seeing it from whoever patches up the targets of Dilandau's latest tantrum should be even more so. Keep it up!