Reviews for His Lordship Had a Little Lamb
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 17 . 10/9/2017
I am fairly sure that these letters Hanna found inside a book safe are neither originals nor copies. They are imitations, to undermine relationship between Hanna and Havelock.
So, Vetinari figured out that these letters exist and were found by Hanna. Havelock is trying to figure out where she moves next. And he knows, to some extent, where she is going for treasure.
Why does Madam feign illness? Is it because she wants to find the source of the contraband chocolate? Or does she truly have an illness?
I wonder, how many people would lick the chocolate on its way between contrabanda-related coups? And how many addicts will follow the chocolate bar through its travels?
Havelock admits defeat and offers an apology, by making the first move in the sparring match.
Amusing. By the Feather, Havelock got out of Hanna the words that she would be happy to have their child.
Thank you. Good day, good night, and good luck.
P.S. I don't think myself to be ticklish. I wish I could know whether the Feather is so torturous only for Hanna, or for anybody else (including me), too.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/8/2015
It seems to me, that his lordship had a little lamb, but she is turning into cat, is not she?
Falero lero lero chapter 17 . 6/5/2013
I like your story and choice of pairings
Anna another one chapter 17 . 1/15/2012
OK, so I've been one of the 'lurkers' the whole way through this series- although perhaps that would be excusable, this being 2012 and therefore probably almost seven years after you'd stopped using your fanfiction account. (Actually, I probably shouldn't have said that- if you ever happen to read this, it'll prove me wrong, so there's no way I can be proven right here from your perspective...) Anyhoo, just wanted to say that this is the most AWESOME Discworld fanfic ever written (to the best of my extensive knowledge, developed over many months of procrastinating, i.e. I should know...) The characterisation is spot-on and entirely believable under the (albeit rather unusual) circumstances, the plotting is pure genius, and the whole concept is just startlingly original. Hanna seems to really belong in the story and have a personality of her own- perhaps the use of largely limited perspective adds to this effect- the best OC I've read in any fandom, anyway! Brilliant work, and thanks for the hours of enjoyment: hope you get published sometime soon, if you haven't already :) :) :)
CarrieVS chapter 17 . 3/8/2010

A part of me wants to say it's a shame there's no more.

But I think the stroy wants this to be the end.

Sorry about the nits.
CarrieVS chapter 14 . 3/8/2010
You call that a riddle?

This is a riddle!

Cowboy Pete boasted that he could hang up his stetson, walk two miles in a straight line away from where he'd been standing and then fre a bullet through the hat.

He then did this and won a considerable amount of money from his friends.


Unfortunately I must confess that I didn't make it up and you've quite possibly heard it before. But I like it.

Feel free to ignore me.

CarrieVS chapter 13 . 3/8/2010
Ooh! Ooh! Ive got it!

'I am always sought and found only when no-one is looking'

It's a biro, isn't it!

Actually I've no idea.

It's certainly a very riddly riddle.

Can I have another nit now?



Look them up.
CarrieVS chapter 10 . 3/8/2010
Sorry. Picking OCD nits again. Just couldn't stop myself, when I read that Griffin slinked out of the shadows.


Write it out five hundred times. and three.

I like that number better.

And absolutely no help from 'Rubber' Houser this time.


Really is a great story. I can't figure our Maltesi's name though.
CarrieVS chapter 3 . 3/8/2010
I would take issue with:

'very calmly, even for an eight-year-old.'

Eight-year-olds are seldom known for stoicism.

I would suggest something along the lines of:

'epecially for an eight-year-old.'


'even though he was only eight.'

my personal preference tending towards the latter.

Also, should 'dot come' in the web address be 'dot com'?

Also 'bracket'sorry'bracket', once again:

'There is no 'i' in 'Ephebe'.

This time I know I have reviewed you before, so definitely five hundred.

Sorry, don't mean to nit-pick.

Actually I love nit-picking. Possibly I'm somewhat more closely related to apes than Darwin or Ponder would have us think.

But I love your stories, and there would be strikingly little to improve upon without picking some nits.

When do we meet Syd?
CarrieVS chapter 2 . 3/8/2010
Fish have fins, not flippers.

Also: heel vs heal: those pesky homonyms again.

But enough of technical/OCD matters.

Very good, as usual. So far.

I wanna meet Syd.


I don't much like manic smileys, but I believe this thing wipes brackets just like it wipes more than two question/exclamation marks. :C
Novocain chapter 17 . 2/17/2010
You are truly the only author I've ever found who has such an excellent grasp of Terry Pratchett's - style, characters, humor... The exact summation escapes me at the moment. Suffice to say, I enjoyed every moment of this series. It is extremely well written and quite faith-redeeming. Thanks!
The Dragon Mage chapter 17 . 6/14/2009
AH! you'll be the death of me! to be semi-retired and leave on such an ending! the whole story was delicious, but i adore the last chapter. the prospect of Vetinari as a father is both strange and fascinating and oh! i need more. i'm going to go re-read Say Yes now. could you, possibly, at some point, write some short oneshot thingy involving what happens after this? maybe? i live in hope.
The Dragon Mage chapter 3 . 6/2/2009
Ah! i am so pleased! whe! wow. you are awesome. i cannot begin to describe my glee. Vetinari at nineteen! smirking! and all of the romances... the inner fangirl is happy. very, very happy.
Estelle Tiniwiel chapter 17 . 11/1/2007
AH! OMG OMG OMG! I can't believe he said that - insulting a woman's hair is just plain cruel! ;-) heehee lol. Gods I hope she marries him. Fantastic story, truly, truly brilliant ending. Sorry that this is not a partiularly articulate review, but my mind is reeling with so much amazement that I can't really gather my thoughts or the right words with which to convey them. I LOVE THIS STORY!


Estelle Tiniwiel -x-
Big Cat chapter 1 . 10/7/2006
I reaaly enjoyed this art of work. It is really an art of work. Such a pleasure for everyone reading.

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