Reviews for Happy Birthday Hiei!
Guest chapter 2 . 11/24/2018
Your an amazing author!keep up the great work!:D
Bill chapter 4 . 5/17/2013
Good story
Akitorai chapter 16 . 12/15/2012
Yeahhh... Awkward much for me? Yea.. Update!
Akitorai chapter 13 . 12/15/2012
Holy Sh*t... I should play "Who can knock out Kuwabara" Only instead of him, it my friend
Akitorai chapter 9 . 12/15/2012
...I wonder if there really is a shirt that says "I kill for fun" Love the semi-Joke about Hiei's hair.
Akitorai chapter 8 . 12/15/2012
LMAO I swear ... When I started laughing my mom was like Wdf You laughing at?
Ann chapter 9 . 3/24/2011
WOW I never a story that has Hiei dancing or Yukina standind up for both herself and her brother. And Hiei is for once having fun and learning a little bit about his twin sister I think this story was really funny I love how you had Yukina slap everyone who laughing at Hiei. Because I think Hiei is the cutest out of the boys I think if Hiei had more fun than he can be happy more but I like the cold harded Hiei better anyway GREAT STORY REALLY FUNNY!
YusukiShredder chapter 16 . 3/10/2008
AWESOME! You have showed me the coolness of Yukina/Touya pairings! ANF YOU MADE HER KICK BUT! CHYAH! Anyway, I'm eager to fins out what new game their playing... MORE PLEASE AND SON!
Miki Fubuki chapter 16 . 11/18/2006
i like it alot..i want a new chapter! its cool...seriously..but i wish it would end when Hiei told Yukina they were sibs..its a great ending ryt? i just hope alot will agree with me
Aperira chapter 6 . 10/7/2006
This is SO funny! I love it! _
learntosayhello chapter 16 . 9/19/2006
OhMigod! Man Hunt! I love this game! You see, there are two groups, and it is like hide and seek. One group hides while the other is "it". When the other team finds all the members, they win! And they hiding team gets to move around. the "it" teams loses when they cant find everybody.

Please Update! This is a great storie! Look how many people you have on your alerts! Favorites? You should have like, so many! A lot of people want you to update! We've been waiting a year! Come on! Update! I know how it is to update a story you haven't in like, forever. You once again have to check what's going on, remember the plot, all that crap.

This is one of the best stories I've read ((Well, technically this is the second time I've read it :)) But you have the character IN-Character like all the time,and your grammer is awesome! You will not believe how many crappy stories I have read wehere people cannot write dialougue for their life! And, they can't spell either! HELLO? Spell-check? HELLOO? You have a really great plot going on here.

Oh, BTW: Could you think you could respond to this review? I love it when people appreciate it when I... appreciate their work. :) And I just wanna make sure you got this. You're probably reading this in your e-mail right now. I love it when you see that topic, "Review Alert!" it makes me so happy! I hate flames though. You get all excited and the readers become all bitchy. Why continue to read the story if it's horrible, right? (Hey, I'm not saying I'm anywhere near being a good author, lol) So, please, could you update, and respond?

UPDATE OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND SHOVEL CHEESE DOWN YOUR THROAT! CHEDDAR CHEESE! I said it! Cheddar cheese! (Suddenly, you here an explosion coming form my pocket) what the hell...? (It was some colgate toothpaste. I pick it up and stare at it) WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT DOING IN MY POCKET? Aww man, I love these pants...

So please, respond and update!

Au Revoir! (I have a french quiz tomorrow!)

kuwafabulous chapter 8 . 8/19/2006
hey... nuff of the kuwabashing
Incendire chapter 16 . 2/7/2006
oh wow, this is amazing, update soon please, can't wait to find out what happens
DaughteroftheDawn chapter 16 . 11/13/2005
Please write more!
Ruler of Randomness chapter 16 . 9/20/2005
Write more! You can't just leave it there! It's a cliffhanger and everything! it so far, though! _
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