Reviews for The Unspoken Truth
TheUsagi1995 chapter 14 . 2/14/2015
And so, the final chapter. The story was really good!
TheUsagi1995 chapter 13 . 2/14/2015
Ok, now i lost it... It was good but, how could Sasuke escape?
TheUsagi1995 chapter 12 . 2/14/2015
Ok, this was a really nice chapter! Come on, they must end up together!
TheUsagi1995 chapter 9 . 2/14/2015
That was sweet!
TheUsagi1995 chapter 8 . 2/14/2015
Ok... So finally Sasuke gave in and told Naruo, he loves him! The scene was sweet! Moving on to chapter 9...
TheUsagi1995 chapter 5 . 2/14/2015
Poor Naruto... I know its fanfiction, but Kushina would never do that... Anyway apart from this i liked the chapter, especially the end Sauke smiling and Naruto being so happy!
TheUsagi1995 chapter 4 . 2/14/2015
And Sauke saves Naruto once again...Nice chapter, really, lets keep going! By the way, the. teacher-student relesonship is cool and i love the way Saske cares about , i want to ask, how old is Naruto and Sasuke?
TheUsagi1995 chapter 2 . 2/13/2015
Oh, and i am sure that his knife which Itachi gave to his yunger brother is the knife you mentioned in chapter 1! By the way i really like the way Itachi died, protecting his brother, who he loves so much... So, this was nice chapter i will keep reading! Cqn't wait to see what happensnext,
Thank you for your idea!
TheUsagi1995 chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
Ok, this was a great first chapter. To be honest i was comfust at first about Sasuke and Kazahaya, but you cleared it up, so its ok. I really like the plot and the way that you write, especially the flassbacks, i really love them. I also wanted to ask you: Will Kakashi be part of your story as well?
Anyway, i really enjoied this chapter and i have a feeling that the story will be great!
Thank you for your time, and your idea!
Guest chapter 14 . 10/2/2013
dominygringa chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
loved it
Narue-Nara-chan chapter 14 . 4/10/2010
Good. You had some grammar problems, but it was a good story anyways. Thank you.
counter-intuitive chapter 14 . 1/20/2010
Lovely story, Sasuke and Naruto can make it through anything together
alpharoyale chapter 14 . 10/7/2009
This is...amazing

I know this will probably sound sappy, but it really touched a part of my soul.

I love this story, a sad one, but truely beautiful.

You have a talent for writing amazing and elegant works of art. [Well its technically isn't art but..minor details]

Jeez I really do sound sappy and...weird DX

But I REALLY enjoyed reading this, I hope others do too.
Jikage chapter 7 . 6/23/2009
Aw! Naruto is so cute! "Can I love you?" LOL He needs permission?
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