Reviews for At Freedom's Expense
Naderq chapter 17 . 1/7/2017
I just want too know it ever going to continue this it is very beautiful and I wish you continue this
Fireminer chapter 17 . 6/15/2014
It's rare to see a Guilty Gear fanfic of this caliber. I like your dedication! Please contine this.
Isangtao chapter 12 . 5/19/2014
Yes, you are a capable writer. The story is better than a lot of what I've read on the site.
Puffie chapter 17 . 5/25/2011
Thank you so much for updating this fanfic. I really liked how you fleshed out Dizzy's character here. You mapped out Dizzy's potential conflict in the series: her identity.

You write good :)
Dark Daimond Dude chapter 16 . 6/10/2009
You ended it so masterfully. I can't wait for the next installment. Probably not the most accurate song, but I could hear Animal I Have Become playing in my head when Dizzy was on a rampage.

On a more professional note, You still have a couple of problems with grammar, but it's nothing major, so Kudos for that. Well, hope to hear the next part soon!


Joshua Strife,

Da Dark Daimond Dude.
Puffie chapter 16 . 2/1/2009
As a KyxDizzy fan: Thank you very much for writing such a wonderful fic. The best in character development in the Guilty Gear section so far. If possible, I really hope to see how this story ends :)
jmchild chapter 16 . 2/11/2008
Awsome,I think this was really well written, and I look foward to more.
Orries A Writer chapter 4 . 8/14/2007
I've been reading this story and so far its been gripping and enjoyable. But I don't think you should have changed Robo-Ky's way of speaking, its always been capitals and underscores in the game diologue.

Also, have you read a fiction named Cumilation 13? The plot of this chapter almost seems the same but it has Dizzy in it instead of Testament.

Anyways keep up the good work.
Chaos2Frozen chapter 16 . 12/9/2006
Aw, that was so sweet at the end...

Wait, FIRST arc? ONLY? Whoa...
Justice Stryfe chapter 16 . 10/13/2006
( o.O)
iD3 chapter 16 . 9/23/2006
Impressive piece of work! This is one of my personal favorites. Alot of cool stuff in this one. I enjoyed Ky as a character in this story as well as many of Dizzy's 'developments'. Keep the good work up.
read on chapter 16 . 9/18/2006
Huzzah, an update!

Glad to see that Ky and Dizzy are finally bridging the gap that's between them...or starting to. I'm interested as to what the PWAB has on their sleeves, and what role Testament will play.

as always, look forward to the next chapter!
GrizzlyBiscuit chapter 16 . 9/18/2006
I liked how you managed to save the heroine and ty the hero to her in a way that he could see himself in her, not something anyone usually looks for.

Now that Ky has a tie to her that is more than being in his presence by the promise of Sol, how will their relationship continue to develop?
Jack Havoc chapter 1 . 9/18/2006
your story is really adicting

and besides since ky and dizzy are my favorites characters so that means i will keep reading your story

good work!
Spiritblade chapter 16 . 9/17/2006
Yay! New chapter! New chapter! And after such a long wait, too! Meow! Now, Dizzy had her fangs into Ky's arm. Who else, I wonder, will want his head when they find out he has a Gear under his protection?

The PWAB is going to act sooner or latter, and we're going to end up with a meow-ed city district in the process. One angry Gear Commander and one furious Holy Knight Lord means devastation all around.
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