Reviews for The Bonded
pi3141dg chapter 4 . 8/4
Amazing story, I was wondering how you were going to get Hogwarts into the mix please continue writing.
WinkingSkeever chapter 9 . 11/5/2019
I miss this story
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
Harry is 7 years old why do you have him training to kill someone with a sword do you realize how stupid that is story was very interesting until then then it just got really dumb if you think about it the sword weighs more then he does when he was 7 remember the Dursly's didn't feed him a lot (no food means no weight gain) that's almost as stupid as having Harry in love with Hermione after how bad she treated him in the books she cared more about house elves then Harry ever though Harry grew up being treated like a house elf in Deathly Hallows to save Luna's Dad she showed Harry to the deatheaters and the deatheaters want to kill Harry so please stop this madness
JustALittleSociallyAwkward chapter 9 . 4/28/2019
amazing story btw
JustALittleSociallyAwkward chapter 9 . 4/28/2019
I cried when I read Ginny is now going to infertile.. that's heartbreaking (especially seeing Ginny wanted to be a mother one day), and one of the worst things that could happen to a person.
tony91 chapter 9 . 7/9/2018
Just found this story and could not stop reading it! Wish you would continue!
Queen Helen chapter 9 . 4/14/2018
Well, it has been thirteen years since your last upadate but i thought i had nothing to lose if i asked you to please update this brilliant story. I trully hope that you will. It is one of the best i have ever read and believe me i have read a ton of Hinny stories.

Queen Helen
nayin17 chapter 1 . 5/22/2016
Guest chapter 6 . 12/12/2015
why do authors feel like need to follow up canons arse so much, after everything harry and ginny have done u still have them act the exact same way they did in canon its starting to get to the point where i finding it pointless to even keep reading
mahhhfy chapter 1 . 7/29/2015
This story is absolutely fantastic! Please don't tell me it's been abandoned. Please post another chapter soon. ...then another, and another, and another...

Like I said, this story is wonderful. Thanks for writing!
Guest chapter 6 . 3/15/2015
seriously harry gets taken down by a dementor again, thats it i'm done if your just gonna have him react the same way he does in cannon then i'm just gonna go read cannon again cause there is no fucking point to these stores
Guest chapter 5 . 3/15/2015
why is it that every author feels the need to change things but then stick so very closely to how things turn out in the books, kind of negates the purpose of everything that happens before this i mean all the training harry and ginny went though and yet she still fell for the same thing and harry still ended up with a fang in his arm, may i remind you that he took down 5 vampires and heaps of ghouls as well as the previous phoenix but when he comes up with a basilisk, he ends up no better than he did when he was an untrained child...its these types of things that turn me off stories like this
Miss Millie chapter 6 . 5/16/2014
I am rereading your story, again! I just love what you have done with it. But pleasssssssssssssssse, don't
Let it die on the vine. Maybe one Ch a month or 3or4 haha, just keep it going!
Good luck in all you do. Your readers are sending you lots of ideas so maybe when you least expect it one will be caught in your story store house.
Still reading and rereading.
Miss Millie
Shinen no Hikari chapter 7 . 5/9/2014
why are there so few changes? I'm usually one who'd prefer to keep things as close to canon as possible, but you only seem to be changing things that don't even appear on scene, almost as if you were trying to make it so that the story would fit perfectly into the books with no inconsistencies.
Shinen no Hikari chapter 9 . 5/9/2014
That's a terrible thing to do to someone, and I've had a fair bit of exposure to it recently, both for and against such things that have left me extremely frustrated and infuriated, so seeing this in a fanfiction that I was coming to enjoy and escape through makes it even more so. I have often over the last year and a half or so felt pings similar to what Harry's describing. All of that being said, I'm going to do here as I do with real life, and hang on to a hope no matter if others may believe it to be false in some situations. Nothing is impossible.

On another note I disagree with Harry's quote on truth, but then again I'm not quite sure he agrees with it himself
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