Reviews for Cries of the Lunar Flowers
Laylania chapter 3 . 2/13/2008
hermonine chapter 3 . 12/11/2006
Nice story. Keep up the good work and update soon!
HattersCocktail chapter 3 . 12/24/2005
Akai-M chapter 3 . 3/3/2005
NO~! U left a cliffy, there evil! Well, anyway that was a good chapter. Ur story is very elaborate, but sometimes I don't know who the point of view is or who's talking sometimes, I think u should clear that up. Well, HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT CHAPY, OKAY? Keep up the good work!
Ookami Youkai Ali chapter 3 . 1/13/2005
*looks frantically around still* aw, still no update? but in ur profile it says that ur working on it, right? oh... i can't wait to continue reading this story! please update!

ali chapter 3 . 10/13/2004
:( *blink* *blink* where is the update? *looks around for update* i don't see it? please update soon! byeness! xP
ali chapter 3 . 9/13/2004
hi! i'm ali. i've been looking for a good Wolf's Rain fanfiction to read. i love the show and am starting to wonder what other people think of the show by reading WR fanfics. you have great detail in this story. there are just a few things i'd like to point out. a lot of the time you switch from 1st person pov to 3rd person pov in the middle of a paragraph and sometimes even in midsentence. it's really the only thing that is "wrong" with this story. oh, and you need to watch out for grammatical errors. sorry if i sound like some weird english teacher. i'm not. actually, i hate english. love to read and write, hate being told what to read and write. i'm only 14 (15 in three days! yes!) and i'm in 10th grade. i do a lot of reading and writing, so i pick up on a lot of minor details that can make or break a story. god, i'm rambling. arggh! i do that way too often. anyhoo, great story! can't wait for the next chapter. this is the first WR fanfic i've read. or rather, am reading. keep up the good work, watch out for the pov and update soon. byeness! xP
andy chapter 3 . 9/12/2004
damn, this chapter was damn good. well written and... good. LOL update soon, k?
andy chapter 2 . 9/12/2004
well written. and your character has wings. cool
andy chapter 1 . 9/12/2004
good chapter. kinda poetic at first
Frou Frou chapter 3 . 9/12/2004
GOD! you just keep getting better and better at writing... everything in this chapter was perfect. i felt the pain, the action, the adrenaline... geez, and it was a long chapter too. that made me happy

UPDATE SOON PLEASE! i gotta know what happens when kiana see's cheza and the wolves!

oh, will there be romance in this story? or is it just a journey of kiana's life or something like that?
Frou Frou chapter 2 . 9/12/2004
wow! this chapter was well written.. you clearly described kiana's pain really well here. and that'd be so cool to have wings. and her wingspan is big.. well, i guess it'd have to be in order to lift someone in the air...

one more chapter to go... and i'm already addicted to this story...
Frou Frou chapter 1 . 9/12/2004
i just started watching wolf's rain, and it is the best show ever. well after inuyasha that is... _

your writting for the first chapter is good. and im very interested...

well, i have two more chapters to read. _
Iva Hitokiri Battousai chapter 3 . 9/12/2004
Awesome chapter... it was soo well written, I felt like I was there right in the middle of the action.

But why didn't Kiana use her wings while she was falling? Was that the kind of mission Jagara was talking about? Oh I know, were there too many poeple for her to use her wings or was she too afraid? So many questions, so little time! I hope you can answer my questions in the next chapter that I am looking forward too a lot!
Kata chapter 3 . 9/12/2004
That was a great chapter. I love how you write with so much detail that it makes me feel like i am there. please e-mail me when you add on another chapter.
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