Reviews for In the Arms of My Enemy
Guest chapter 18 . 7/2/2012
LadyMardore chapter 17 . 7/1/2012
LadyMardore chapter 15 . 7/1/2012
Oh that little cat is trouble
LadyMardore chapter 14 . 7/1/2012
) A great thing to read when your doing hw like friggin crazy
LadyMardore chapter 13 . 7/1/2012
Ooooooooooooh things are getting good
LadyMardore chapter 12 . 7/1/2012
Hmmmmm we have to be careful over this Creed person!
LadyMardore chapter 11 . 7/1/2012
Awwwwwwww! SO CUTE!
LadyMardore chapter 10 . 6/30/2012
Ohhhh Youko don't think like that! Everything will be okay
LadyMardore chapter 9 . 6/30/2012
Awwww Hiei is soooooo cute!
LadyMardore chapter 8 . 6/30/2012
This was soooo amazing! And my favorite Chapter yet!
Guest chapter 6 . 6/30/2012
Awwww man, reading this at 3:38am in the morning while doing homework in my kitchen. Ah, one heckuva night! Good Chapter!
LadyMardore chapter 3 . 6/29/2012
Awwwwwwwwww how awesome D I will keep reading!
LadyMardore chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
Ooooooooh I want to read more!
UndergroundSonata chapter 24 . 2/1/2012
Thank you! I'm really glad to have read a good, long running YoukoxHiei fic! I've been looking all around! I would writ one myself but I've left the fandom for a while so terms and relevant information and correct facts are all a bit lacking for me now ;A;

But I really enjoyed your fic, I read it all today! I can't wait till a sequel if there is one! :3
kurodaneko-ariichan chapter 24 . 8/4/2011

Uhm.. I was wondering if I can have a hard of copy of your novel?

I mean I really love it that I'm so speechless and don't know what to say that is enough for you. I mean I LOVE IT. Every little detail in the story was fantastic.

And this thought came in my mind, I wish I can have a hard copy of your novel(I mean, print it all out, book bind it and whoah! a book..). I want my friends to read it also..that's why.. And I really didn't sleep for three nights because of thinking about this.

I am not a major fan of Youko, but I love Hiei, and I love how you did the two in the story.

I wish you could grant my request. :)

Please e-mail me for your answer .

I don't have an account here that's why.

Thank you so much.


kurodaneko-arii-chan :))

goodlucks! :DD
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