Reviews for Thanksgiving Dinner
Angels-heart1 chapter 5 . 11/22/2011
This story was awesome. I laughed till I cried :)
applemysteries chapter 5 . 2/20/2010
This story was really funny, I love that you made Spike and Buffy try to cook. :D
spike'smate chapter 5 . 11/6/2009
that was one of the best stories i read in a long time. the thought of spike being scared in the supermarket had me ROTF LMAO i am DEFINATLY gonna add you to my fave authors. now if spike was the xmas dinner...yum
TillieBaby chapter 5 . 10/5/2007
i love it! i pissed my self laughing throught the whole thing!

Tillie xx
Nukyster chapter 5 . 10/30/2006
AW, cute story! This should be put in one of Buffy seasons, it's so good and buffy/Spike are both total in caracter!
Nukyster chapter 2 . 10/29/2006
OMG : With one final sharp tug, Buffy managed to make Spike lose his balance, thus successfully pulling both of them into the store... I CAN SO SEE THIS HAPPENING!

And this, OMFG lol: The Master Vamp, Scourge of Europe, killer of hoards of hundreds had finally met his match.

Spike quickly realized that having vampiric strength does nothing to help one in one’s quest to open a plastic bag... He lost from a granny...

Ore this:“Not a problem,” answered the clerk as she handed back the bag. “You know this is so sweet. The two of you remind me of my husband and me the first time we went grocery shopping after we got married. Don’t worry, you get used to doing this after a while.”... I can see the 2 of them stand there, frozen, mouth dropped open, jaw hanging a inch from the ground, thinking: DID SHE REALLY SAID WHAT I THINK SHE SAID?

Aww, men I really love this story... Spike just got a shopping-trauma and is acting like 5, ganna read tommorrow the rest, Bye
spikes-slayer29590 chapter 5 . 2/20/2005
this story was freakin hillarious... i was laughing out loud as i read it. I can't believe that did that to all the food, and i can't believe he added cajun spices to the pie, that was a great touch!
acegikmprtvxz chapter 5 . 10/6/2004
wonderful. Beautiful. Like exploding food and turkey.
jobe chapter 5 . 10/4/2004
lol. great ending. hope ur starting something new. and thanx for the cookies. hehe.
star chapter 5 . 10/4/2004
I needed a funny story like this today! It made me LOL. Thank you for sharing!
Gigi13 chapter 5 . 10/4/2004
Yay for Dawn. That was very smart of her. This chapter and the entire story was very good and very funny. GOOD WORK!

Maybe you should think of doing one where Spike and Buffy try to take on Christmas...its just a thought...
rowena777 chapter 5 . 10/4/2004
that was very good. you should write more.
Moluvsnumber17 chapter 5 . 10/4/2004
well i have to say that was a strange but amusing made me made me cry...cause i was laughing so

Ferret Love chapter 5 . 10/4/2004
thank god for the scoobie and joyce

i couldn't stop laughing all through this story

sudenly i don't feel so bad for the foos that buffy and spike tried to make

funny bou that

anyway u rock

bai bai
Mita427 chapter 5 . 10/3/2004
Great story! Loved it beginning to end! Keep up the awesome work and I can't wait to see another fic from you soon!

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