Reviews for Caruvanyes Alassenen
1sunfun chapter 1 . 10/2/2019
Good Story.
LikeIdTellU chapter 1 . 5/14/2012
This is a beautiful story that is beautifully written by your obviously talented self.
Redone chapter 1 . 7/29/2005
This is an absolutely fantastic story and I adored it. And you know why?

(1) Two of my favourite characters - Thranduil and Maglor - brought together. And not only that - your characterisation of them is superb and their relationship just delectable.

(2) The way you describe the "political" undercurrents of the age, the historical war and the Elven countries at the height of their power.

(3) What I liked absolutely most in this story is how Thranduil perceives the Elven dialects - specifically, the Sindarin as spoken by the Noldor. as well as the Noldorin language. This really gave me some perspective of how there were really different civilisations and how separated from each other they must have been for long ages for IMMORTAL beings to start to speak the same language differently. We humans are very ephemeral and only occasionally can I hear people of my grandmother's and great-grandmother's generation speak somewhat differently, in a manner that sounds archaic to me

- I cannot imagine that *I* would change my own pronunciation in my lifetime.

I'm going to add this to my favourite stories and I already recced it to my friends. THANKS for sharing something so nice.