Reviews for The Horror of Popularity
Guest chapter 15 . 4/8/2015
Not bad
ShaneBLAST chapter 15 . 4/5/2008
The only complaint I had is that the beginning seemed a little ridiculous...if not bordering on parody.

But you really stepped up...


And made this one of the most disturbing things I have ever read.
TV girl chapter 15 . 4/6/2006


The story was good but too bad a ending I was hoping it was a dream or something...
Zan chapter 2 . 12/19/2005
The story is fine, but there are still a few problems; It is a bit repetitive in some parts and I can only read so much. It loses my interest at some points. This should probably be written as a play. Some of the continuancy is a bit off, but it works sometimes. It's good that you kept to the traditions of the original, but still you need to add a little more oomph in your version. don't forget I'm wicked. LOL
Melissa Norvell chapter 15 . 7/3/2005
Hello, I'm a new fanfic writer here. I recently wrote my first story called Erasing the Pain, while I posted it I decided to take a look around at all of the FOP fandom around here. This is a really good story and defineately one of the better ones I've read. While I've written my first fanfic, I'm not new to fanfiction and have been writing it for about 4 or 5 years now. This story was very enjoyable and I'd love to see a sequel, you have real talent and a good writing style.

I encourage you to write more. Heck, maybe you'd check out my little fanfic.

Yumidragon chapter 3 . 5/23/2005
Oh..holy...crap. I love this well writen but how can those people disown their kids like that! *shudders*
cghtfc chapter 10 . 4/4/2005
I have two bad points to make but other than that this chapter is god :P

a)I thought that noone younger than the second grade was taken to the barn but Vicky finds two fist graders.

b)quintuplets means five not four!

good story by the way:)
Eternal Silence chapter 15 . 2/24/2005
Wow, this story was preety creepy. It took me so long to finally decide to read this cuz it started out with Trixie and I don't like her. I thought it be a story completly surronding her. Well this story was really good, and sad. The worst part was when they killed Chad and his mom. I couldn't belive that.

And you know its funny how you made the villian and villianess of FOP become the 'good guys' of this story(that was cool how Vicky became a rebel!), and the 'hero' of FOP (Timmy)was the 'bad guy'.

Oh and sorry it took so long, but I finally took up your offer to be in your C2 Community. I didn't know how to accept it at first, but one day I was curious and I started clicking everything and I found out how.

Well keep up the good work!
Gotterdammerung chapter 15 . 1/27/2005
This was an amazingly written story about the fear of prejudice. Well done, and well written.
can't think chapter 15 . 1/25/2005
dang! crazy story yo! good though. sad too. and now it's over. :(

question: how old was wendy's guardian?
can't think chapter 14 . 1/24/2005
wow. you know, it's kinda cool how you made some of the "bad" characters from the show (ie. Crocker and Vicky) good, and the good characters (well, at least timmy) bad.

i kinda hope timmy becomes good again. we'll see.
can't think chapter 13 . 1/24/2005
sorry i haven't reviewed in forever. i really liked this chapter and I'm gonna finish this story tonight.

i thought the part w/his friends was cool. maybe timmy is feeling guilty? i hope so.
Write.It.Date.It chapter 15 . 1/17/2005

dudee! awesome!
William Craine chapter 15 . 12/19/2004
The story was pretty good.I have a this story ever be aired on tv or made into a movie?The story was kind of freaky,too.I was suned when Chester died and when Trixie don't you think you could've given the story a more happy like Timmy wished everything back to normal and eneryone who died was alive again. Sincerely, William J Craine
ChipSkylarkluva9 chapter 2 . 12/18/2004
Another amazing chapter!
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