Reviews for More
junienmomo chapter 7 . 3/20/2016
This is one of my favorite chapters, not only because of the surprising plot, but even more for the humor.
junienmomo chapter 6 . 3/20/2016
Reality hits Stars Hollow and Lorelai takes the brunt of it. I knew there would be a good reason for Taylor to abandon his quest for the trucker market.
Seriously, though, I can't think of a better way for them to have one of their rare serious conversations, and this was the big one, in which they moved to the ILY permanent relationship.
A beautiful as well as painful chapter.
junienmomo chapter 5 . 3/20/2016
I really enjoyed the depth you put into this chapter. Lots of carefully considered detail that fits with the other details so well. Everyone gets involved, even Lane, which was extra nice.
BrenRenQoI chapter 3 . 3/3/2007
Beautiful... a perfect take on what we missed in that episode.
abbey chapter 22 . 9/19/2006
this was great. I mean, I really like all of your writing anyways, i'm still not even quite sure how i stumbled across it. but it's great.

This little email from Lorelai to Rory after Rory quit Yale and moved into the grandparents house, well, it was touching. but it was so true to character, how Lorelai told Rory about Luke and the engagement, and then the advice was good, motherly, and necessary, but not overly drawn-out and sickeningly cheesey or anything. Alot of it seemed like stuff my own mom would say to me. so good job.
xxAllyxx chapter 22 . 10/18/2005
haha! loving the p.s's and p.p.s's and especially the p.p.p.s's ;)

EternalConfusion chapter 10 . 9/4/2005
Wow...I've been reading this solidly for the whole day...and possibly yesterday, I forget for how long. Now, I was going to wait until the end to review. But I felt that, after this chapter specifically I just had to review :)

The whole idea of this fanfiction, all the little ficclets and additions. The idea, well it's rather genius. You write really well, should write for the show ;) Yep, your that good, it's totally believable.

Now, for this chapter: I have to say, wow. It was incredible. Incredibly long, but very well written. Perhaps it was the cheese, but I think this was amazing. And you must really like Dickens huh? You know A Christmas Carol was oringially meant as a Children's book. Yup. Studied it in English. :) And I'm glad I did...I kinda liked it. hehe

I think he may delight in all this too. And I wonder what he'd think if I knew just how much of a great writer everyone thinks he is. Many of his books are classics, most people know several of his titles regardless of wheter they've read them or not. I mean, personally I find that amazing...makes me proud. But if I were him, it woud probably be unthinkable.

I want to thank you, you've made me realise that I'm actually quite proud of my ancestors. The great Charles Dickens is my Great Great Great Great Uncle. At least I think that was right, would that make him old enough and me young enough. At least that's what I think my Great Great uncle Charles (named after him of course) said to my sister. Not that I want to brag or anything. I only hope I aspire to half a good a writer as him, ana I guess have him to thank for my passion of writing (and reading...I guess).

I just want you to know that I think you did very well taking the storyline of a Christmas Carol and giving it a Gilmore Girls twist. I loved it. :D o I wish that was made into an episode...hehe. And Luke and Lorelai are so cute! :D keep up the good work, keep writing...I'm watching you :P
historygirl27 chapter 17 . 9/2/2005
I love this story, and as I'm rereading it for the umpteenth time, it occurs to me that maybe you had a different version of the Little Princess than I did. :)
eanpp74 chapter 22 . 8/25/2005
This was amazing. I think I liked it the best!
oywidapoodles chapter 10 . 8/21/2005
I just had to review this particular chapter seperately, cause (1) it was so good and (2) it took so long to read

Aww, I'm so glad you did this, I mean they've done it on several tv shows and movies, but with Lorelai it's just awesome! The ILY's were great, and I'm glad you let us learn a little more about those smaller charachters and townies.

So much emotion in one story- just one of the reasons I love you so much as a fanfic author.

The way you wrote Gran as a ghost was dead-on (no pun intended).

And the little O'Henrey twist at the end there about him getting her ring was great.

Oh, I just loved so much about this chapter. Now, I'm gonna eat dinner, but tomorrow I'll prolly read the next.

jlnewhart chapter 1 . 8/6/2005
I've deciced to re-read this in the remaining weeks before the new season starts. Your GG fics are in my opinion the best out there. I hope you're going to do the same for season6?
weekendsawayx chapter 21 . 6/27/2005
I just love this fic so much that I decided to read it all over again. Hence the Chapter 19 review. I just had to leave one here. I really wish this was the way Lorelai proposed. I think everyone in the Gilmore Girls clan thinks so too. I just wanted to praise your genius. I'll probably be back again for another chapter. I have to read that one about the rape? thing again. That confused me.
weekendsawayx chapter 19 . 6/27/2005
“But, Luke, Lorelai put the cereal up really high. I’m still on pain killers after my root canal. I get vertigo if I climb up on anything too high.”

I LOVE this chapter. I read it when I'm sad. It makes me happy. Plain to the ear, but yes, it makes me happy. When you think about it, that's all that really matters.
longlivelukeandlorelai chapter 22 . 6/5/2005
Ah, that is the best fic about the finale that I've read so far! Great job. Love how its a message. U doing one for season six?
Dafted chapter 22 . 5/29/2005
Aww, so sweet. I loved all of it. Because, well, you're such a great writer, seriously. Kudos to you. I loved the last chapter- it's just so cute. Anyway, great job! Hope you so this again with season 6.
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