Reviews for Intricacies
Guest chapter 12 . 7/13/2012
Oh please oh please write more of it! I know I'm about seven years behind, but I LOVE it!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/13/2012
I absolutely adore you. I'm just going to pleasantly ignore that jk rowling (amazing as she is) killed off Sirius and go about life happy and content because Sirius is alive!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/13/2012
I loved it! I cried. It may just be that time of the month, but I doubt it :)
ditto chapter 1 . 2/21/2009
not a fan - grow up & get some maturity
justbiteme chapter 12 . 5/29/2008
dont bother
not a fan chapter 5 . 5/29/2008
What the fuck are "trail exams" - are you a horse?
hpdeeda chapter 1 . 11/6/2007
love it!
LunaShadows chapter 12 . 5/6/2005
Aw ok! I've missed having you about. :) if you need a mentor or anything feel free to email me. I'll probably be a bit quick and scatterbrained because I'm taking AP English next year (Lord have mercy-but the only other class was regulars which would be an insult to my abilities and my GPA. lol)but writing is probably my favoritest thing in the whole world (hehe! favoritest. ;)) so I can never have too much fun with the fun parts of it. :)

MaisjetadoreSiriusNoir chapter 12 . 5/6/2005
That was somewhat cruel...I got really really excited when I saw the notice. But...

I am so glad you've come back!

And if these rewrites are going to be better than the old ones they must be fantastic! I'll be patient for that!


a.k.a. maisjetadoresiriusnoir
Anotheranonymous chapter 11 . 5/5/2005
I know you are not currently updating your stories so i dont know if you will get this review or not...but if you do I just wanted to state that I have never read a fanfic that I have enjoyed as much as the ones you have wroten. Seriously, I totaly love them all! I was so dissapointed when i read that you were no longer updating...oh well im sure there are more important things in life besides writing fanfics...i cant personally imagine what just kidding! But really you are without a doubt a great writer and that I am not kidding about!
LunaShadows chapter 11 . 5/4/2005
You've been on hold a long time. :( Just checking to see if you're alive. I miss this story. :)


(I had to do this logged off because I've already reviewed the chapter. lol :))
Watch.The.Rain chapter 11 . 3/20/2005
You know... whenever I start to lose interest in Harry Potter, I would either watch the movies, read the books or read fanfics. They really do help. Smile!
Watch.The.Rain chapter 8 . 3/20/2005
I thought I would take a time out from reading your story a bit to tell you how funny the end of chapter 8 is. I couldn't stop laughing at Ron's and Hermione's bickering. I absolutely love it! Now on with the story.
MaisjetadoreSiriusNoir chapter 11 . 1/16/2005 name is Anna, and i nearly died when I first started reading this story...haha, to "hear" sirius saying all this "i love you's" to Anna...anyways...haha. For the past two days I have been reading your stories. this one and the first. Sorry i didnt review all of those chapters, I was in a rush to keep on reading, (plus i think it would have been a bit much...56 reviews in 2 days from one person. lol.

I really did fall in love with your story. and yes, in the beginning Anna was a Mary-sue...but you began to develop her character and her relationship with the other characters and the chemistry with Sirius, and especially how she acts around Harry and Remus is Phenomenal!
LunaShadows chapter 11 . 1/15/2005
hahaha! Easter bunny! lol And I didn't know you liked LOTR! I love it to pieces! :)

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