Reviews for Choices
ReiiCre chapter 5 . 11/10/2012
I'm loving this more than I can say! Will you be posting more? Please say you will soon! Xoxo
Ummidia Q chapter 5 . 11/2/2012
It seems it has been a good long while since you've touched this story and I hope this review finds you in good spirits. I like the style with which you have presented Galinda and Elphaba, they are quite believable and even though there are a few rough bits with the English, the writing flows along well. Even If you never continue this one, I hope to see you writing again. I'd love to see what else you have done or will.

Ummidia Q
James Birdsong chapter 5 . 6/30/2009
Well written as usual
James Birdsong chapter 4 . 6/30/2009
Nice hahaha
James Birdsong chapter 3 . 6/30/2009
James Birdsong chapter 2 . 6/30/2009
I believe you meant to say that interested in finding out instead of what you wrote as interest in finding out. I believe you meant to say find you here... instead of what you wrote as fine you here...
James Birdsong chapter 1 . 6/30/2009
You surely mean has kept her up at nights instead of what you wrote as was kept her up at nights.
Bob chapter 5 . 2/18/2008
Wow, what an AWESOME story this is. PLEASE update! Please!
Kalia chapter 5 . 5/11/2007
I'd like to see the rest, please update soon
GothPhantom chapter 5 . 2/19/2007
Dude... will you please continue this? Please? This is so good... but two years and not a new chappy? I mean OMG... pwese think about updating it!
Beautiful Obliteration chapter 5 . 10/5/2006
Love the interactions you've created between the two of them. Post more soon :)
lovecatcadillac chapter 5 . 10/3/2006
You must continue this. You simply must! I love the relationship you've established between them, the rapport. It's wonderful. I want to see how this relationship is going to develop further. Please, please, please don't abandon this lovely fic, I beg you!
Howard Russell chapter 5 . 9/9/2006
The other reviewers are right: this is a poor place to abandon this.

I want to see what crimes Glinda *does* plan to commit!
Howard Russell chapter 1 . 9/9/2006
Okay, I just saw "Wicked" and immediately set out to see if anyone else saw the same subtext I had seen. Thanks for feeding my new Gelphie craving.

As usual, your writing is excellent. True, there are a number of small spelling errors, but the story shines through them.

Didn't Glinda change her name long before this point? I was thrown by your repeated use of 'Galinda.' Maybe it was different in the book (my copy is already on order from Amazon) but in the musical, she was 'Glinda' consistantly after she announced her name change.

This also may be different in the book: was Elphaba actually harmed by water? It was never shown in the play, but it was implied that her melting was just one of the many silly rumors going around the Emerald City.


I hear she has an extra eye that always remains awake!

I hear that she can shed her skin as easily as a snake!

I hear some rebel Animals are giving her food and shelter!

I hear her soul is so unclean pure water can melt her!


(spoken) Do you hear that - water will melt her? People

are so empty-headed, they'll believe anything!

True, there were a few hints that Elphie needed to protect herself against water, but I think that those were intentional misdirections. At first, they wanted us to think water was dangerous to her, because we all know how "The Wizard Of Oz" ends, but at the end of the play, she was unaffected by the bucket of water being thrown at her, despite her deceptive cries. It made for a wonderful surprise ending though, didn't it?

Besides, tears are a far cry from pure water. And wouldn't that mean that Elphie's own tears would burn herself? You know, with her life, she's shed a tear or two.


Eleka nahmen nahmen

Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
Anonymous chapter 5 . 8/30/2006
Augh continue continue continue! These two are so hot together... and you write them very well. I want more, more I tell you!
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