Reviews for Last Rites
SnakeFeathers chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Oh wow, I haven't read this story in ages yet it still manages to do all sorts of things to my heart. You wrote everything so delicately, but honestly that was the perfect way to handle a scene like this with a character like Irvine. And Raven! I loved that little bit more than you know. Everything was just handled beautifully and I absolutely love seeing fics with Irvine and Raven. Its a shame they're so rare. I guess its just my old headcanons showing through. This was lovely and I hope you do more little vignettes like this in the future, Chaotic!
Saotome Jin chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
Wonderfully done. I loved it. The little part with Raven at the end was well done, as well.
AnimeAmber chapter 1 . 11/30/2004
that was pretty good ok it was good and ya now the funny thing is we both did a same story . go to my thing and you'll see but i Hate raven soory .but please don't let that get in the way.:):)
Red Baroness chapter 1 . 10/22/2004
Wow! This is better than I'd thought it'd be. The details were intricate, and I liked how you didn't make it clear at first who this good-bye person was. Then it turns out to be the Command Wolfe! And the surprise visit from Raven at the ending was a nice touch. Well done!
Taltos chapter 1 . 10/21/2004
Very nicely done, I love the feeling of it all. [Although, for a minute I thought Van and the Liger had croaked. _; Zeke threw me off.] But it was very well written, and Raven's remorse was nice, too.
ShadowZoidian chapter 1 . 10/20/2004
-poor irvine, having to leave his old friend in the dirt like that, even if his spirit is still with him its' still sad

-really great angst fic, i love how you tie Raven and Shadow into the fic at the end, i never would of thought of that

-anyvays, a great fic, so great its' going on my favorits list, and i have to go now...bye!