Reviews for Not The Door
lunavixen chapter 30 . 8/28/2009
the overall story is pretty good, but there is one major thing, your spelling is not too great, some parts i had trouble deciphering because of the poor spelling, using spellchecker can fix this problem in the future. your story was well rounded in the content, even with the OOC (out of character) sections
Neoneoneobanana chapter 30 . 10/13/2005
That was pretty good, Chickie. I like the Kingdom Hearts thingie. But is Quistis still human? What happened? How did Squall get there? WHERE'S THE RINOA SUFFERS PART?

ANyway, thanks for writing it, CHickie.
Neoneoneobanana chapter 29 . 10/13/2005
Poor Squallywally. *runs after Rinoa with a boogerhankey* EAT THIS! DON'T HURT MY SON LIKE THAT!
Neoneoneobanana chapter 28 . 10/13/2005
Oh well, let the world die, and let Rinoa live. That'll torcher her. I mean, humans are social beings, even the strongest can't survive that. HEHHWHE. Suffer, Rinoa SUFFER!
Neoneoneobanana chapter 27 . 10/13/2005
...that woman is insane.
Neoneoneobanana chapter 26 . 10/13/2005
Man, why doesn't anyone go after Rinoa and kill her? And where's the 'Rinoa suffers' part? Nice chapter, Chickie.
Neoneoneobanana chapter 25 . 10/13/2005
Short. But cute.
Neoneoneobanana chapter 24 . 10/13/2005
Nice chapter, Chickie. Seifer and Xu together? I like that. Maybe cause I look like her most out of all characters. Being asian and all. hehehehhehehehe.
Neoneoneobanana chapter 23 . 10/13/2005
...don't you have bed times? I'm 17 and I have a bed time of 23 00 hours. But I usually get in bed at 22 30.

Anyway, nice chapter.
Neoneoneobanana chapter 22 . 10/13/2005
Yeah, poor Seifer. Squally! That man loves her. You of all people should understand. You love her too!
Neoneoneobanana chapter 21 . 10/13/2005
m...where's the runt? Her name starts with an R. Oh well, sweet chapter. I feel sad for Seifer. I wonder if he knows he's Squall's father/my spermdonor?
Neoneoneobanana chapter 20 . 10/13/2005
Sweet chapter.
Neoneoneobanana chapter 19 . 10/13/2005
...Rinoa. Really. *Point finger at her* BANG!
Neoneoneobanana chapter 18 . 10/13/2005
Oh come on, someone kill Rinoa NOW! Wait, I'm his mother, I want Squally to be happy. DIE RINOA DIE!
Neoneoneobanana chapter 17 . 10/13/2005
Rinny *throws crumbled pieces of paper*...go away. YTEYYAAGAHA!

And let Quisty and Squally be happy! He's my son, but I think I already told you that.
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