Reviews for Fune Saga: Monster Card
Leeks n' Beets chapter 2 . 6/23/2007
Wow...The plot's awesome! It seems very well thought out and I can't wait to see what happens next. Why have you not updated? I really want to see how this ends.
Gema J. Gall chapter 2 . 11/28/2004
Nice chappie, you've set up an awesome fic in this chappie, hope you can keep it going. crap to the rest of the world, Fune can control dragons. elemntal spirits always perk my ears, and its giving me ideas if yoiu do let me borrow this one, if i do ever get any consistent updates up. happy holidays!
Drake Clawfang chapter 1 . 11/20/2004
I have a Yugioh/Inuyasha crossover obsession, and I love this one. great start.
Matthew Blackheart chapter 1 . 10/30/2004
Gema J. Gall chapter 1 . 10/23/2004
Another excellent fic (with emphasis on 'another') Very well written, with an air of mystery, nice merging of two animes, and still being true to the charas. The villian is excellent so far, and i love the banter between Fune and Kagome. I am very curious about the last speaker. And you can't being to fathom my happiness about Priest (pharaoh) Seto being mentioned! _I know you have very good plans for this, and I am eager to see where this is well as your good plan for every other fic youre doing...and I should be looking in a mirror as I say this. Nicely done, keep up with updates!