Reviews for And Then There Were Nine
Arboreal Musteline chapter 13 . 7/3/2019
That was a really interesting read, and i appreciate that you edited as much as you could for it to be as true to canon as possible. I really like how you show draco's insecurity, anxiety, and changing worldview (except that the most important change mightve happened in the prequel to this story which i haven't read... but it's alright). I have some complaints, though. How draco's partnership with harry came to be was a little too abrupt and easy. Harry's character was too dark in the beginning, and the darkness was maintained until that chapter. If you were planning for harry's acceptance to happen the way it did, i think he shouldn't have been that hard to draco in the beginning, not to mention that it was too out of character for him to deliberately hurt someone, even though it was someone he deeply hated.

But, aside from that and some minor errors, this piece was enjoyable and somewhat unique.
CrimsonOwl08 chapter 13 . 1/18/2018
Just spent the last 3 days binge reading this series of stories, and I am now aching for more. I really enjoy how your characters are interacting and developing.
I can't wait for more! Draco's relationship with Voldemort, is a bit confusing is he really treating him like a son? Great job and I am looking forward to more of your work!
Francesca Belladonna chapter 13 . 1/21/2017
I am loving this so far. Is there more coming? It says completed but is that just from when it was first completed. I hope there is more chapters to come
WishingOnMyStar chapter 12 . 1/8/2011
I'm sorry I haven't yet reviewed, but I've just spent the last day reading all three of your stories.

Wow, you definitely had some deep, psychological issues going on. I liked looking at things from Draco's point of view, though. It was a little confusing when you first began to describe Draco's "dreams" with Voldemort, but I guess in the end, that fits since even Draco himself didn't really understand what was going on, if they were dreams or if he was physically being transported to Durmstrang.

I also thought you did a fairly decent job keeping the others in character, most especially the Weasleys. Molly definitely would've opened up to Draco as soon as she found out about his deprived and abusive childhood and I also can see the twins overhearing and suddenly deciding, "maybe it isn't his fault he's a git".

I thought you did a good job building the suspense where Voldemort and Draco's relationship was involved. I was, of course, confused at first when he referred to him as "my son" and "my Draco" (but again that fits with the story plot). I could never really figure out what Voldemort would do next, and like Draco, I found myself waiting for the "Avada Kedavra" (even though I knew there were still two more stories to go!)

On the topic of Alana, I could see her getting to be a bit of a Mary Sue towards the end of the second story. I honestly didn't miss her all that much in the third one because everything was focused on the Weasleys and Draco's interaction with them and was a good character to start with in the second book and I liked that Draco considered her his first "friend". I think maybe to avoid the whole Mary-Sue thing, they should've just remained friends. She could've been his first confidant or something and remained that way. She was necessary because she broke Draco out of his shell and made him start to think of others and himself in a different light.

Really, all around just an excellent collection. I was hugely disappointed when I read your last Author's Note because I was really looking forward to a continued story, but I can understand wanting to update the stories and try to bring them a bit back to JK's canon. Completely understandable.

Until you hopefully begin a fourth,

WishesintheNightSky chapter 12 . 11/28/2010
NOOOOOOOOOO! It can't be OVER! -horrified gasp-

This was an AMAZING story, and you left it THERE? -tears build up-

B-b-but, you HAVE to make a sequel! D
TragicSlytherin chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
Thank you so much for your kind words; I am deeply honored, as well as being absolutely delighted with this chapter. I am more than ready to hang on every word of this, even as I did with the previous version. I particularly enjoyed the Lethifold metaphor. ;) I am dreadfully excited for what is to come! I love reading your work; doing so re-awakens my own muse, adding the pleasure of being able to progress in my own work to the extreme delight of reading yours.
Midnight Demonn chapter 12 . 4/25/2010
excellent story! Draco's always been my fav Character and u made him look nice!
The Darkest wizard chapter 12 . 3/25/2010
This is a great Story!
TragicSlytherin chapter 12 . 2/3/2010
That was disgustingly excellent! I have one immense problem with it, though - it's over. What am I supposed to do now... oh, right, read it over again! Don't mind me, I'm a dimwit.

But really, you have no idea how many important things I've neglected this afternoon in order to read this... and I don't regret it in the least. It has been thoroughly worthwhile.
NoxSomnium chapter 12 . 11/10/2009
But... But... you're not going to write any more of it and just leave us with a living Voldemort and EVERYTHING?

Sigh. Silly real life interfereing with my avoidance of it. How rude. Okay. I love the hugs! All stories should end in hugs or cuddles in my personal opinion. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
NoxSomnium chapter 11 . 11/10/2009
I knew it! I knew Harry would be won over through Voldie Vision. I love being right. Makes me feel smart.
NoxSomnium chapter 6 . 11/10/2009
I'm really curious about what changed the twins minds. I'm wondering if they were eavesdropping on him as sort of a general watch Malfoy and Keep Him from Misbehaving sort of thing. Curiouser and Curiouser. And I don't think Alana is that horrible of a Mary Sue, although I suppose it depends on your definition of a Mary Sue.
potterlockedintheshire chapter 12 . 9/21/2009
Amazing story! This is one of my favorites! I'd love to see more of it, if you ever continue this series. Please write more! I love this one the most out of the trilogy because it not only had a bunch of suprises, but was also not over-romancy. I loved how fred and george overheard Draco's conversation with their parents, but we didn't find out until later. I gasped out loud when I read that! Overall, amazing fanfic!
Curious Archer chapter 12 . 9/8/2009
This was so Cool I have read a few others and I love them!
jbpottermalfoy123 chapter 4 . 2/16/2009
Y r u making darling sweet Harry such an SOB? Harry really is so sweet! what with the SOB personality?
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