Reviews for Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous
Anyong44 chapter 21 . 3/30/2012
why did it have to end i loved this story soooo much
Ani chapter 21 . 4/13/2011
. Make a sequel to this story.
kag15xXxinu17 chapter 6 . 10/29/2009
I'm glad you put my first name in this chapter. haha... my name is Vanessa and I really like this story of yours!
LivingXDeadXGirl chapter 16 . 7/11/2009
Very nice story. I like it.
abandoned five-ever chapter 21 . 3/2/2009
It was an amazing story! I loved all the awkward moments, the humorous ones, and the fights in between. I especially enjoyed that you didn't make Koga, Inuyasha, and Miroku insufferable jerks. Overall, A!

taylor chapter 6 . 2/9/2008
this story rocksand well my name taylor
Miroku's girl chapter 21 . 11/25/2007
I loved the ending especially the "What did we learn from all this?That's right we learned that getting hit by a limo isn't so bad after all" you never told us what happened in Ayame's

past that made her unsure about loving ,what

happened?Any way i say this about all the fics that i read but,

THAT WAS AWSOME!Or something along those about the way it's oddly spaced but i had to add a period and this happened.
rev102 chapter 1 . 10/28/2007
good story! i like it very much!
Sesshomaru's ladiey chapter 21 . 9/26/2007
Your story was great. I really enjoyed reading it.
MULAN-IFUWEREGAY chapter 21 . 8/19/2007
OMG this was a fantastic sotry, though i wonder y ayame was like that?
MoonBird5677 chapter 21 . 6/22/2007
This was really good i like should make a sequal!
ayyanjelica chapter 21 . 2/7/2007
great story!

it was so beautiful!

lol. i loved it! keep writing!

A Shining Armour chapter 1 . 12/27/2006
Hey Wolfgrl, I don't normally venture into the Inu-Yahsa Section, but I have today and I stumbled upon your fic. I read till about chapter 5, then I read the last chapter. XD Like I said, I don't particularly like Inu-Yasha fics but ah well. Nothing personal against you btw.

I'm happy for you that it was so successful, but I'd like to point out some content flaws so that maybe you can improve your writing style and garner an even greater response from readers.

You write pretty well actually, you mix up sentence lengths and such very well. You use a variety of beginnings, and try and change your vocab here and there. Nicely done.

But one thing you tend to do is just hand everyone lines. Like, you make certain characters say something just so we remember that the character is there, not particularly because the line has any meaning. You want to watch for that... it fills the story up when you as an author could give them better things to say: like advancing the plot, showing character relationships, etc.

Also, you really don't need to describe outfits in such detail. It's fun, I know, to imagine such clothing but really it gets quite dull after a while. I can barely remember a few character's constant outfits... changing the clothes of up to 8 people regularly gets confusing. Give them a "default" outfit, and leave it at that. Feel free to go crazy if a party or special occasion is coming up, but otherwise, leave it be.

Finally, the plot was a bit cliche. Not just in Inu-fandom, but for fanfiction in general. I'm mostly a gamer, but even there I've seen many, many fics with similar plots to this. There wasn't alot of substance in it really, though it was better done than most fics along these lines. It was entertaining no doubt, but do try and add some more original tweaks and flairs here and there, to make it more realistic. There's nothing wrong with AU Modern fics of course, but all the same... just be careful, okay?

Otherwise, nice job, it seems like you really had fun writing this fic and I'm glad. Try and take my advice to mind, and you'll only become an even better author. :)
MirokuSangolover3 chapter 21 . 11/26/2006
This was a great story!

Two thumbs up and ! You should print out copies and sell them! people would love them I bet! Good job!

oh and please make another story about InuxKag, MirxSan, KogxAya, and SessxRin!I love your stories!
Cheiko1423 chapter 21 . 11/12/2006
i luv the story, and those songs really matched what was happening in the story,

ps very romantic


ja ne
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