Reviews for Diner Job
RandomlyRandomGirl chapter 13 . 5/31/2010
This is an awesome story! I hope you update soon!
Unwritten Scene chapter 13 . 1/17/2009
Shippo? Her ex? Her brother? Who could it be? I cant wait to find out.
Malencia chapter 13 . 6/25/2008
I really liked it. But shouldn't Shippo be at the dance also? Him and Rin do go to the same school right? I'm curious to find out what part naraku plays in this and why he's after Kagome. Please write the next chapter soon! Thanks for writing!

Ja matta ne
saphire butterfly chapter 13 . 5/27/2008
hey, nice cliff hanger. i am so wondering who the guy is. you HAVE to keep writing this story. good luck.
saphire butterfly chapter 12 . 5/27/2008
uh-oh! kagome has to go to that dance with sesshomaru as HIS DATE! this story is going great! please keep writing. good luck.
saphire butterfly chapter 8 . 5/27/2008
rin's so cute! poor kagome, she can't say anything. story's great good luck with the writing!
saphire butterfly chapter 7 . 5/27/2008
sesshomaru almost sounded jealous the way you wrote it. nice job in setting kouga and ayame! keep writing and good luck.
saphire butterfly chapter 6 . 5/27/2008're to good at cliff hangers! oh well, it's still a really good story. please keep writing! good luck.
saphire butterfly chapter 5 . 5/27/2008
oh no! what will happen now? i can't wait for the next part of the story! please keep writing! good luck with the story.
saphire butterfly chapter 3 . 5/27/2008
please keep writing. such a good story! i wonder who is coming towards her bed? i haven't found any spelling mistakes so far(i think...)good luck with the story!
Hino chapter 13 . 5/26/2008
It's the best fiction ever . Please ! please !please finish the last part . I feel u should write more .
Sesshomaru is Fluffy Evil chapter 13 . 4/24/2008
i like it and hope u update really soon!
Chibisan1092 chapter 13 . 4/21/2008
Great story!
Lyakan chapter 13 . 7/17/2007
Oh please keep going on this story! I would love to read the rest of it! Keep up the good work!
lil shuna chapter 13 . 7/10/2007
why you have to do that who is it please update soon
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