Reviews for To See You Again
Guest chapter 4 . 6/21/2017
Why oh why did you pair Sess/Rin? That is a pairing that should never be. Not happy. What other couples did you butcher, I wonder...
creativesm75 chapter 17 . 1/16/2016
kagome past and present chapter 17 . 5/12/2014
I really hope you re-read your stories or some other fanfictions to continue to inspire you. I read your profile and it was updated this year! It gives me hope for your stories. You're a beautiful Author and I'm sure the years away have really made your writing that much more brilliant.

I really have faith in this story- I hope you do too. I hate to see great fanfiction discontinue.

ps. If you're still reading any fanfictions, check out Maddie-San! She's seriously a addiction of mine. Feel free to message me if you ever want to talk! (:
Marie Baringer chapter 15 . 9/27/2013 sad that this story hasn't been updated in so long! I want to know what happens next!

Not, of course, that I would know anything about not finishing a story... *whistles innocently*
DragonLadyRelena chapter 17 . 5/29/2012
Waaaaaaaahhh! I need more! I've been hoping for a new chapter for some time! I understand, though, if life has interfered with the creative process. I've been dealing with it myself.

I just miss seeing updates for this one in my inbox.

Good luck, and I hope the new chapter is up soon. I miss it.

ShadoweGoddess chapter 17 . 9/20/2010
-_- 4 years since this was updated... grrrr, and its good too!
My Hero Academiafan 27 chapter 17 . 5/24/2010
So what happens next?
cdelosre2006 chapter 17 . 9/7/2009
Woah... That kinda got a bit creepy. I wonder how Kags and Inu are going to fix their unstable relationship still. I mean there are some cracks here and there. Plus their still getting used to the new situation their in now. Also, who were those freaks that attacked Kags and Inu? o.O
Kelsea1523 chapter 1 . 8/20/2009
I just wanted to compliment you on your writing style, you could go professional quite easly if you wanted to.
Tammy chapter 17 . 3/23/2009
Hey, i have read this story and it is great. if you would please complete it. Please please please...
Marie Baringer chapter 16 . 9/17/2008
Aw, you haven't updated since I first read this story a year ago! Sad...I want to find out what happens! I hope you haven't dropped this story...
Marie Baringer chapter 17 . 4/9/2008
One of my friends showed this story to me, and I LOVE it! Sad to see that it's been a year and a half since the last time you updated-I really want to see more! :-D
InuyashaGal chapter 17 . 2/26/2008
are you going to update this story?it is really good.
Spinner2009 chapter 17 . 11/8/2007
Great chapter! please update soon!
Margie Rose chapter 17 . 7/7/2007
You haven't updated since October of last year!

Please update? I love it.
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