Reviews for Master Harris
Jackal chapter 3 . 8/12
Xander is a fucking pussy
BoredKing chapter 9 . 7/4
Did he really not confirm his kill? What asinine, rookie shit is that?
Julie Q chapter 20 . 5/2
WOW! This story is AWESOME! :) Thank you so so much for sharing it with us, and please keep the chapters coming! *hugs*

...I just discovered that you also posted this to Twisting the Hellmouth - is there any chance you might update there, too? [Think of all the extra reviews you could get! :)] And AO3 / Archive of Our Own is pretty good, too...
Team503 chapter 8 . 4/24
I love your story, but you need to know. Semper Fidelis means Always Faithful. Not forever. I appreciate the respect, but Marines are twitchy about this kind of thing.

justlovereadin chapter 3 . 3/17
i just wanna comment how hilarious it is that you think a slayer is physically superior to a spartan 2 without their armor Master chief could break buffy like a twig
Armiture chapter 17 . 2/16
Hahahaha, well at least Jack didn't try to talk Sam into going fishing with him at his lake cabin.

Also, good to see Faith being properly integrated into the group instead of hanging her out to dry like happened in cannon.
Armiture chapter 16 . 2/16
Well, you're updating faster than Crazy-88 so it's all good.

Good SGC/SG-1 cameos, looking forward to seeing more in future chapters.
Armiture chapter 14 . 2/16
Well the BTPs didn't lie, they just didn't mention that Xander would be going home in a box. VEG
Ranmachanisme2 chapter 20 . 2/11
awesome story and really hope you continue writing more chapters.
thank you for creating this entertaining story. Thank
GandalfTG chapter 6 . 2/4
There is no such office as "Secretary General" in the US. Did you maybe mean "Secretary of State? " Maybe one of the Joint Chiefs?
kenodoxia chapter 3 . 1/9
why does xander seem so angsty and whiny here
dingo-822 chapter 20 . 1/9
Great chapter I am so glad that you have restarted this story
SeanHicks4 chapter 20 . 12/26/2019
Interesting take, I think I tried to read the earliest chapters a couple times before but had trouble with the early lore from Halo being a bit off before I realized that it was written way back when the official lore wasn’t really set up... looking forward to seeing some more though
Lucis Ambulo chapter 20 . 12/23/2019
Just found your story, and. I'm. Lovin'. It!
Axccel chapter 19 . 12/22/2019
This "change the training" thing reminds me of a test held with a Marine. The Marine was newly graduated from training and he was put against several Mixed Martial Arts champions one after the other. He effortlessly curbstomped all of them. Unarmed fighting has advanced just like technology has, traditional martial art styles have not.
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