Reviews for My Private Detective
MasqueradingDragon chapter 6 . 7/10/2013
I love film noir, and detective stories, and this is fantastic. I was sad to see that the last update was in 2005, but I can always hope you'll come back to this one day, right?
Fantastic job :)
Blair chapter 6 . 1/2/2008
This story is wonderful. I can see why you're so proud of it. :) I can't wait to read the next chapter. I hope that you have it up soon. ;D
SlayerSango23 chapter 6 . 8/19/2005
Wow, very enjoyable! It definitely had the air of an old detective novel/movie. I really enjoy your style, and you did an excellent job with imagery and description. I can't really think of much to suggest for improvements, so sorry about that.

I was curious, though, as to why they stayed at her place and didn't go to Miroku's place or somewhere that the stalker might not be aware of?

Well, keep up the good work, can't wait to find out what happens! It's too bad you couldn't have entered into that contest because I think you would have had a nice shot.

Ja ne!

Btw, unfortunately, I didn't recognize the song, but it sounds good. What is it?
Kayla chapter 6 . 3/5/2005
Oh my goodness!*sobs*This is such a great story the best one I've read out of this website!Your so good at storys!I write about Sango and Miroku as well but none of my 152 stories compair to yours!You may think Im weird writting 152 stories on Sango and Miroku but hey its just me..If you can PLEASE e-mail me I would love to become friends with you!Well here are my two e-mails...Sango-Miroku and my second e-mail HowlingTohoe
Irasuto chapter 6 . 2/27/2005
Daniel Bedingfield "Never gonna leave your side" He has a nice CD. And this was a nice chapter... MORE MORE I'll pay you even more money!... Once I get the money. *cries*
sangi chapter 6 . 2/13/2005
Still love it!
FlamingRedFox chapter 6 . 2/13/2005
Uh... um... what am I supposed to say? For once, I am at a total loss for words. Even wonderful won't cut it. I truly don't know what to say. So much for my normally long review. I'm ofically speechelss. So I'll just leave you with the fact that I love it, you are a wonderfully excellent author, and if you keep writing like that, you'll keep leaving me in awe! Wonderfully perfect job with the chappie! Keep up the wonderful work! TTFN, ta, ta, for now!

Oh, and about that voice actor thing, the only VA's I actually ever remember are Barbie's... I mean Sango's (it's such a same that they're both done be Kelly Sheridan), Miroku's, Inuyasha's, Naraku's, Myoga's, and... surprisingly, Kikyou's (shudders). I didn't know that David was Fluffy's VA, and I could picture it comming from a gay guy. I originally thought Fluffy was a gay cross-dresser. If you're a Sesshomaru fan, please don't hate me for that last comment! See ya!
mikogirl chapter 6 . 2/12/2005
oh please oh please keep writing!its getting so good!
Lady-Sango77 chapter 6 . 2/11/2005
thats soo sweet! i love this story please update more often!
Melly chapter 6 . 2/11/2005
I KNOW IT! AND YOU KNOW I KNOW IT! NOW GIVE ME MY MOTHER F-ING REWARD! No, but seriously, this chapter ticked me off (you know why..) but I love it! I always love Mir/San anything, whether it be Fanfics...Fanart...roleplaying *cough cough*. Well, smell you later, jerkwad!
Aubre chapter 5 . 1/21/2005
OMG! PLEASE UPDATE SOON! i wanna see what happens _
mikogirl chapter 5 . 1/17/2005
MAN! It was getting good too!Please e-mail and tell me when your story's ?
HisagixKira chapter 5 . 1/12/2005
MELLY! I'm ashamed at your review! She isn't UGLY! She's HIDEOUS! lol, nah just kidding! But, anyways, to the point, I loved this chapter! Yes, it was an evil thing to do to go and leave us hanging like that, but it was great noetheless!

Ok, enough of my babbling! See ya later constipator!

Hee hee! -
Melly chapter 5 . 1/8/2005
~~They fight!They fight! They fight, they fight, they fight! It's The Itchy and Scratchy SHOW!~~ No, it's not. But I'm insane so I will now type random nonsense. Good chapter (For someone so ugly...). I must be off , gotta meet your father!
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