Reviews for Thriller
InuYasha's Kagome chapter 1 . 11/20/2014
Beautifully done my dear! How long did it take you to write this, may i ask?
Ceres-chan07 chapter 1 . 2/3/2013
This was... I don't really have the worlds to describe what I just read.

It was a wonderful story, this one. Everything was so well-written; the plot, the characters, the way you made everything so alive (how Kagome conversed with inanimate objects, the trees mocking her and all that). And the character development was very good as well. I felt bad for Kagome for the hell she'd been living, but I'm glad that she found her happiness in the end, in her own tragic way. She died falling from that roof, freeing herself from all those negative feelings, finding peace of mind at last.

I'm saddened that she parted from Inuyasha -literally-, I sort of hoped he would turn her personality around somehow. But I guess it's hard to change the way a pessimist sees the world. If he chose to follow that path, surely there would be more to the story. I honestly didn't want it to end. The poem at the end was... wow. The first piece sort of "scared" me because of its deep meanings, that the whole story also had. Is it original? Because it was so very beautiful and very true as well.

I'm definitely showing this story to people, a few friends of mine will definitely love it :) Thank you for writing this, and I hope to see more of your stories. Good luck! :D
Blood Stained Kiss chapter 1 . 7/29/2007
Lilith the Masochist chapter 1 . 3/8/2007
i loved ur story! it was freaking awesome!
silverymare chapter 1 . 11/15/2006
Wow.. I'm taken away by the insane plotline.. It's sorta strange to think that Inuyasha would be the one to reach out to her, to fall in love first.. but.. it's a very beautiful story. I'm thinking she died? And the poem at the end. Is it original?


Oh, and I fully support all your stories.. you're so wonderful! -huggles- I'm a huge fan of Inuyasha/Kagome, Hermione/Draco and Sakura/Syaoran.. their my top 3 favourite couples. It's great to see an accomplished writer write about them.. -sighs in happiness-
MidnightSuburbia chapter 1 . 7/2/2006
This was a simply astounding piece of writing.

I can't imagine how anyone could write such a sad, but wonderful, story.
jayempty chapter 1 . 3/26/2006
very well written! but i'm totally confused by the ending...did she die or...i don't know...? anyway, i hope to read more inuyasha fanfiction from you soon!

Storms of tears chapter 1 . 12/28/2005
That was so good. IT touched me. I can't exactley explain it but I loved it.
HanaTenshiHimeko chapter 1 . 12/19/2005
Darn! That's so good! I got so absorbed into it! _ I like Kagome's POV, totally not what you expected. .-;
sheepgomeep chapter 1 . 9/30/2005
oh wow! That was so deep. I like how you got under her skin and really told a story. Wonderful!
Kari-chan chapter 1 . 9/25/2005
wow this story is so great!

i cant believe thats a fanfic

and at the end i was near tears cause it was so sad and what she will never do, like Inuyasha will never hear of her again. he wanted to be her friend and yet hes going to leave her alone because she said it herself.

i was hoping that at the end they would be together, but it would be like in the most storys so i think thats a really good ending... whoa the is the longest review i wrote ever !
White Blossoms chapter 1 . 9/9/2005
That was a touching story. I was nearly crying and the ending was a sad one but the story itself was a great tragic with an unexpressed love. I really enjoyed reading it!

White Blossoms
CircadianDance chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
I cannot even begin to describe what I felt when I read this story. The first thing that came to my mind was 'What the hell is she doing writing fanfictions? She's way better than that. How the hell did she do it?' I loved, absolutly loved this story! Your such a wonderful author...
Closely chapter 1 . 4/30/2005
Wow, for your first Inuyasha fic, this was wonderful :) I love your writing.
animemistress419 chapter 1 . 4/28/2005
Very well written! Kagome's feelings were so realistic and the little hints of fluff made the story all the better! You've done an amazing work!
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