Reviews for Of Slings and Arrows
Jimhh chapter 27 . 7/27
You need to stop with the voices, you have 2 very strong telepaths that would catch Harry's issues, don't you think that after the time he spent in azkaban prision that he wouldn't receive counseling?

I am not sure where your going with this fic but you're making it seem like the mutants as week and pitiful, are you afraid to write about their powers and not doing them justice, you seem to have a mishmash of mutants all thrown together when half where enemies. You have a potentially good fic going but you're ruining it.
Matt chapter 4 . 4/19
Voldermort? Are you stupid or just retarded? You can't even spell the bad guy's name right, you shouldn't be writing.
DODO chapter 11 . 3/10
Ugh! Why would they laugh about someone trying to move around/away on the bloody stumps of his recently severed legs? Thats terrible!
What horrible, unsuitable movie are the watching, that would not only show such a scene, but portray it in a way, that causes people to laugh?!
Matt chapter 4 . 3/8
Voldermort? Your spelling sucks! Get help!
Kagey98 chapter 41 . 3/4
Good Story! I'm sorry I came late to the party, but thank you for sharing your talent!
Bronze chapter 9 . 2/16
Sooner or later Fumblemort and the Morons WILL come for Harry! They need their weapon to destroy Vulturesnot. So sooner or later they'll have to come. Now whether Harry'll still be at the Institute or not when they arrive remains to be seen. But sooner or later they will come for him! They're too incompetent to actually fight Vulturesnot on their own. Not to mention they need their scapegoat back.
Bronze chapter 8 . 2/16
Well, the description of the man in the wheelchair was a dead giveaway don't ya know. At least to an X-Men fan that is. As to the way the Wizarding world treated him, why the hell should that be any kind of surprise?! I do hope this Harry Potter has the brains to tell them to shove it where the sun don't shine when Fumblemort and the rest of the cowardly Light faction come to return him to face his Destiny. Of course, the first thing he should do was tell the ministry he wants 5x his money returned and 10x his property. Let them talk him down to twice the amount on the property but doesn't budge on the money. Once he has it all, take it out of Gringotts and place it in another bank run by the rivals of the Goblins. Follow that up with cashing out EVERY investment he or his family ever had in England and Europe. Doing as much damage to the economy as he can. None of the bullshit of live and let live! They set out to destroy his family with the help of APWBD and the ministry of morons! So crash the damn economy if he can! It might even have the added benefit of stopping the war as it takes money to fight a war. And if neither side has the money to fight it they simply can't. And Harry never has to set foot in those countries ever again. Let them sink in their own filth! Maybe in a century or three, they'll be ready to join the rest of humanity in the proper time period.
Guest chapter 19 . 1/26
Kurt whump hell yeah
BlazeStryker chapter 33 . 1/10
$% %&(O*) &*(P_&*(

Be glad I didn't use the actual expletives.
missgsmith51 chapter 39 . 12/13/2019
What happens when you split an AK and two people get hit with only half each? Are you only half as dead? And why is there pain? I thought the AK was supposed to be painless and instantaneous. What's up with that? Does it no longer act like an AK when it is split? Something is weird here ... well, weirder than usual.
missgsmith51 chapter 11 . 12/12/2019
"... Kurt, who she explained later was a mutant at the school who ate like he had three hollow legs." He sounds like Ron. Which reminds me ... where are Ron and Hermione? Were they among those who lied about Harry?
eeveejacob chapter 41 . 11/4/2019
It was great! Thank you and congrats! :)
I've been reading non-stop hahaha
See ya
gginsc chapter 41 . 10/17/2019
Good story.
Wolvie26 chapter 41 . 10/2/2019
Love it!
Love2read23 chapter 10 . 9/4/2019
Ch 10 is the last chapter I read for my own reference
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