Reviews for For the Love of my Friends
Scarecrowqueen chapter 57 . 6/11
Hey, I know you stopped writing this 10 years ago for very legitimate reasons, and I'm not here to beg for more. I am gonna tell you though that this fic remains to this day, all these years later, one of my favorite fics of all time. (and I've been in fandom for over 20 years!) thank you, for the many hours of enjoyment my 3 full read-throughs have given me. Thank you for sharing this vision with us. I don't know if you'll ever read this but I hope you do, so you know how much your efforts have been appreciated.
Silver chapter 36 . 4/15
But Minato's technique was called the Hiraishin...
pepejohn chapter 6 . 1/24
Kinda hard to read when the story finished years ago, but the fic started before that all. Damn shame it is
DarksiderForever chapter 21 . 1/22
shikakuthey are all introduced in like the 10th chapter lmao of the manga
DarksiderForever chapter 15 . 1/21
sarutobi asuma is the son of the 3rd hokage
Spidersauce chapter 27 . 12/13/2019
Why the fuck did you make Naruto retarded? What is the point of time travel if he is stupider than canon Naruto.
All his supposed skills and experiences and instincts and every opponent plays him like a damn fool.
Your Naruto is basically a more arrogant canon Naruto with bigger guns. He makes worse decisions because he thinks he is capable but he really, REALLY isn't.
Spidersauce chapter 26 . 12/13/2019
Panting so easily?
What happened to being a stamina freak?
Spidersauce chapter 10 . 12/12/2019
So even 22yr old Naruto is extremely pathetic. Can't dodge punches from 12yr olds.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/4/2019
Horrible. Just horrible.
Tacodog0613 chapter 9 . 1/9/2019
I love this story, and how you're progressing it, but I believe that Minato's signature jutsu was the Hiraishin no Jutsu, or the flying thunder god technique. But besides that... GOOD JOB! YOUR STORY IS OVERFLOWING WITH THE YOUTH OF A MILLION SPRINGS! (as Gai and Lee would put if) lol
Guest chapter 15 . 8/9/2018
Asuma is Hiruzens First Born Son (He Had Multiple Children) Konohamaru Called Asuma his Uncle So That means Either His Father Or Mother Is Asumas Brother /Sister though they Where never named or shown In Canon
jenuzumaki chapter 42 . 7/1/2018
I really like the team 7 members character development. Sasuke was still cold but caring towards his comrades especially his teammates. Sakura was likeable in your story. And Naruto was funny and his antics were just what you would expect from his character. I’m just wondering why Haku didn’t report yet Orochimaru’s plans to the Hokage. I think it was vital for them to know that Sasuke was the target during the Survival test.

I don’t like Ino in your story, she was overly dramatic. If I were given the opportunity to see the future, I would use that chance to change it or prevent it from happening if ever it was so bad. And she obviously needed help to cope with her problem, or whatever that she was experiencing. But she was pushing away all those people that could help her. Like her Aunt Mae and her dad, I think her dad could find a way to help her. And her aunt had the special room to see clearly thru her visions. And by doing that, she could warn people especially her village and friends of what was to come. And therefore, they could prepare for the future.
jenuzumaki chapter 27 . 6/29/2018
Naruto’s risking a lot by trying to save Zabuza and Haku. If it would be too much trouble, I would just let them die. He should focus more on other stuff like how to win against the invasion during the chunin exams and maybe prevent Hinata from taking too much injury during the preliminary in the second stage of the exams. He remembered that Hinata died because she used a medical jutsu that was too much for her due to that said injury. His main goal was to save his village and friends. If he died in the wave mission, then the time travel would have been for nothing.
jenuzumaki chapter 20 . 6/27/2018
Just wondering since Hiruzen thought of sending team 7 for a C rank mission, he mentioned Water country. And then up to this point, you still called it Water country. I remembered it was called Wave country and not Water. Hmm, going back to reading then...
ForgottenShadowriter chapter 57 . 12/25/2017
I'm crying. I hope you can finish this someday when life isn't dragging you down. I don't know if anyone else can continue writing a story the same way as the one who started it.
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