Reviews for Dragon Soul
Wolf in the Walls chapter 3 . 10/28/2006
Anthy: Wai! Continue continue continue! *flits around in a panic*

Anshi: This is quite possibly the greatest fic I have ever read. And I'm not just saying that. It's awesome. Really it is. *wriggles* O I wanna know so much what happened!
BelialKK chapter 3 . 2/22/2005
Wo, I like this story. Nobunaga rules, and so does Masamune.

Please update soon! Although, I am not fond of the chapter being in bold, where the others aren't. It makes my eyes go funny.
Edward Yee chapter 1 . 1/14/2005
Rawr, evil Nobunaga, rawr ... MORE! (That is to say, update!)

By the way, will you introduce more characters or keep it centered on the Takeda, this trio of Oda retainers and Masamune? Just wondering, so I can guess "the scale" of your fic. :)
moonwolf0 chapter 3 . 1/13/2005
_ Keep updating!
Koluno1986 chapter 3 . 1/11/2005
_ great chapter! More masumune, more more more! Best masumune fic i had ever read!
Koluno1986 chapter 2 . 1/3/2005
YAY! You updated once again and its well done. poor Masumune.. do we even want to know how he got hurt, lol. Oh well, update update!
RoaForsaken chapter 2 . 1/3/2005
Evil Black Angel chapter 1 . 12/20/2004
Nice~! Please continue!
Koluno1986 chapter 1 . 12/20/2004
Just update please and more Masumune date in it!
RoaForsaken chapter 1 . 12/19/2004
hmm? no reviews yet? that's weird. I really like this fic, so please update! . Please? There are practically no Masamune fics around. Is this fic yaoi? (looks hopeful) Anyway, PLEASE UPDATE SOON!