Reviews for Golden Sands
Alydia Rackham chapter 1 . 10/15/2012
Heart-achingly excellent.

Thank you.

Spottedstorm chapter 1 . 6/8/2008
That was beautiful
OTS chapter 1 . 4/13/2007
This was beautiful! I really enjoyed reading it, and I must say that you are one amazing author! Thank you so much for writing this wonderful fanfiction!
AB Firestar chapter 1 . 11/9/2006
absolutely breath truly touched my heart and i could honestly image Neverland in my mind. Beautifully written!
aspirer chapter 1 . 9/18/2006
*expletive* magnifique. so amazingly lyrical and poetic and incredibly written - not cliched, but magic all the same. well done.
Kaz chapter 1 . 8/4/2006
This was really beautiful, a really amazing piece of work.

Thankyou for sharing.

Love Kaz xx
pirate princess101808 chapter 1 . 7/24/2006
This is and beautifully writen.I love the last paragraph.
Frayed Misfit chapter 1 . 4/20/2006
Not only is this a breath-taking piece of writing but it touches on a lot of deep philosphical issues. I was reminded instantly of the philosophy of William Blake whilst reading this;

"True beauty lay in innocence, in purity, in the bright, shining eyes of the little boy as he chased the butterfly; in the delighted, unadulterated laughter of a small girl; in all that was young and simple and guileless."

Something about Blake shone through you then, and if that's not a compliment, I don't know what one is.

Absolutely fantastic piece of work, prefect in every sense, there are no loose ends or stumbled phrases, it was an honor to read this.
Lady Almaren chapter 1 . 2/15/2006
This was just simply amazing. The writing was top-notch. Excellent Job!
oroborous chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
Beautifully done, sad and sweet story. :3 Short, but very worth the few minutes it took me to read it. Poor James.. you can actually feel his sadness as you read..

A definite favorite.
piratingelvenpyro chapter 1 . 11/22/2005
Lovely Writing
Meredith A. Jones chapter 1 . 11/15/2005
Aw this was really cute. Almost cried! Wonderful writing. And now I've rounded off your review count to 30!

Yes, I realize this is old..but I'm catching up on all the FN fics I haven't looked at yet. This was great!

I'm also inviting you (it's only an may have gone on to another category by now..I see you posted this in December of last year..) to read my own FN story, The Playwright. It's 18 chapters and has a 5 chapter sequel that I'm working on now. It's long, yes, but if you decide to read, I honestly don't care how long it takes you..just as long as you like what you're reading! If you have anything to say, my email is

Talk to ya later! Once again, GREAT one-shot.


Faerchithiel chapter 1 . 9/18/2005
That is the most beautiful thing I have read in a long long time, if ever. So beautiful.
BloomxPerish chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
That was good, you're a brilliant writer, you made me sry! _
AmberJade chapter 1 . 9/3/2005
This almost brought tears to my eyes when I first watched neverland I cryied for ages it was just so good I really enjoyed this story!
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