Reviews for Derivations
coolio9488 chapter 1 . 2/15/2012
I loved the start that you have on the story! I especially like that Harry is decently smart. I just wish that you would update! Though I can see that you seemed to have abandoned his fic. It just makes me feel sorta sad :(
Liv chapter 4 . 7/26/2011
Hm. I am enjoying your story, although you seemed to have given up five yeas ago. Let's face it - you went for brilliant subtle creativity, and the masses couldn't handle the fact that it wasn't one of those formula type creature DMHP fics - pain at birthday, brought together by the creatureness, eventually finding troo wuv before a jealous female or evil friend once thought good try to stop whatever magical bond they have, but they overcome it in a tearfest, beat the bad guy, and have lotsa hot steamy sex. Unfortunately for you, you used your vast imagination instead. Sorry bout that.
Jina chapter 5 . 3/3/2011
i love it ,its so wonderful, i like powerful harry, BUT PLEASE UPDATE SOON.
helen chapter 5 . 3/3/2011
wooow, very very good story wiyh exciting beginning, this chapter is so great. but why you didnt update, its almost 5 years, i hope you will update soon.
98989898981 chapter 5 . 8/26/2010
I look forward to your continued writing, this is a very interesting story, and I'd love to read more, please continue *supresses fangirl squee*
Barkers chapter 5 . 6/27/2010
tinafish chapter 4 . 5/23/2010
Hey ! (: I'd just wanna stop by & let you know that I really love this story, ahah. (: Firstly, I have just a SLIGHT obsession with the HarryxDraco couple . . so yeah. :D

I love your writing though, seriously. One thing I admire is that you don't try to rush into the plot like many people do. I understand that the writer gets excited & just wants to tell everyone whats gonna happen, but still . . LOL they ruin the story that way. So thank you for that !

When I read what you said about how Draco was going to be introduced in ch. 3 & they meet in ch. 4, I can't lie . . I got so excited LOOOL. I love this story, I really hope you write it till the end ! & a sequel ? :D *crosses fingers*

Anywayss, I think that was all I wanted to say LOL. I was thinking about it last night after I finished reading this chapter, & I seem to have forgotten . .

But all in all, this fanfic is wonderful & I love it ! Thank you sooo much for taking the time to write it ! ] 3
Johnny-on-the-spot chapter 5 . 7/13/2009
I would be so happy if you were to update this wonderful story! :D
Kaz chapter 5 . 3/26/2009
I very much enjoyed reading what you've written so far of Derivations. I like stories where another dimension of magic is introduced - in this case, familiar magic, inherited magic and other "older magic" that only Dumbledore seems to still practise in the canon story. And you've also brought up two other ideas about HP which I had been wondering about, that of what Lily Evans was really like, and how intelligent the animals could have been.

For some reason I've always found it strange in stories when Dumbledore is portrayed as showing less confident emotions like confusion, etc. He always seemed to - if not already know - then at least have already guessed at what someone was about to divulge to him, or what someone was really thinking. I've never liked a blatantly manipulative Dumbledore either, but I enjoyed his role in this story as a potential antagonist besides Voldemort. I think it's because in changing his character this way, other authors have unfortunately neglected to show how intelligent he really is, and so they give him flaws that are too easily exploitable. But again, I like Dumbledore in Derivations, especially with his ulterior motives.

So yes, it was a fantastic read! I hope you're still committed to this story, and if so, I wish you luck in adding to it.
Nyos chapter 5 . 12/19/2008
Well, this whole story has piqued my interest. I hope you're feeling better and update sometime soon.

Merry Christmas!
LoneWolf chapter 1 . 12/1/2008
this story is so good! i check back every so often to see if it's been updated, but unfortunately it hasn't. [

if you're too busy, i understand, but PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE, if you have any time at all, PLEASE update this story.

I'm so anxious to see what happens! ]

- sincerely, your fan,

Elementalmoon chapter 5 . 11/24/2008
I like the way this is going. It is an interesting and new twist on the plot device. I really hope that you come back to this story some day soon. I know that it's been several years now, but I still hold out hope. Very amusing!
fairytopian chapter 5 . 7/15/2008
i hope you dont scrap this story i was really getting into it, please update the chapter soon please!
Supernaturallvr chapter 5 . 7/10/2008
This story is wonderful. I can't wait to see what you will do with it next. I love how you had Lucius as a semi-good guy and Draco as an intelligent human being. I am curious as to what type of 'creature' Harry is and if he will go with his 'family' or not. Please update soon.
BladesoftheValkyrie chapter 5 . 6/26/2008
Wow, this is an amazing story! It's a "creature fic" but without the insta-love that usually accompanies the genre - I'm impressed! I'm a bit sad that you seem to have abandoned it (seriously, this story is very original and well-written), but if you are still looking for a beta I would be more than happy to help! _
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