Reviews for Sacred
xxxDreamingflowerxxx chapter 1 . 6/18/2014
How cute. The ending of Chrono Crusade always makes me sad. Poor Chrono and Rosette couldn't enjoy their life together as an official couple. But a real cute one-shot.
FadingNoctis chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
*tears* So sweet! This fit perfectly. Even though it is highly improbably, I want to believe that they lived on. With all the sadness they faced, they should find happiness together. TT-TT

...Sorry about that. I just love this series so much and it has always piqued my curiosity for years now.

I love this fic. I hope you continue writing Chrno Crusade fics! :)

RedWingedAngel002 chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
That was so beautiful. ;_;

Ari chan
Angel Fantasy chapter 1 . 2/2/2009
So cute! Kawaii!
That Crazy Girl chapter 1 . 3/24/2008
That was so... Sweet. Sad. Beautiful.

I rather like your version of what happened after the epilogue. :)
Selenity Jade chapter 1 . 3/23/2008
Aw. That is possibly one of the sappiest pieces I've read in awhile. Good though. _~
SaoirseSpeir chapter 1 . 10/24/2007
Oh, wow...this was so indescribably...hmm, what's the right word? Heart-warming? I almost want to cry; makes me remember my own musings for Rosette's and Chrno's futures. I sincerely hope this will be continued!
OtherCat1 chapter 1 . 7/29/2007
This story is brilliant. :
Fire Fly7 chapter 1 . 7/24/2007
Thank you SO much for writing this. I actually just finished the manga, no joke, about half an hour ago and I felt I needed just 'one' more scene to happen to make me feel satisfied with the ending. haha! And this was it! Phew, I'm so glad I read this! And it was the perfect dose of fluff, no need to worry ;D
German girl chapter 1 . 7/14/2007
I loved it so much! I know, Im late with reviewing, I already read this story about 1 1/2 years ago. But I loved reading it again. I almost cried ( last time i actually did) because its so sweet, and sad, and happy! Very well-written!
BlackMoonWhite chapter 1 . 1/15/2007
I agree with your 'they didn't die together' conclusion, although I hate the very idea of Chrno having to live so long without Rosette. I had always wondered what happened after they were reunited, whether Rosette died soon after or not. Thanks for writing this, it was wonderful! (Although it did make me a bit teary. Grr.) P
soraoathkeeper chapter 1 . 12/29/2006
Touching, and exactly the way I would have pictured it, though I thought the end of the manga was different. What I thought was that Chrono didn't come back to her because he /died/ while fighting Aion, and as Rosette is dying he comes for her, which is why she is able to get up and embrace him - she has already almost passed away. I thought that Chrono wasn't actually physically there at all. ;

But anyways, I commend you on your grammar and spelling skills, and I did like how you described how, even though grown up and having been far apart for nearly eight years, they are still essentially the same as always and completed within each other. Good job.
Anawiel Dewdrop chapter 1 . 12/25/2006
Yea, the ending of the manga was bugging me too. i personally thought that she died after knocking him over but didn't give a thought to him since he had his horns back so i assumed he would live on. Damn enigmatic endings *shakesfist*

anyway. This story was beautiful, well written and kept very much in character. and that poem/song you sampled is absolutly perfect. Great work
magicarnival chapter 1 . 7/9/2006
sjfgnkdjhgs,gn! -is unable to form a coherent reply to this, it was so touching-

As much as I hate reading annoying quotes (despite the fact that I always use them in my work, because I'm a dirty hypocrite), I read yours and they were so perfect and lovely and really helped me enjoy this fic.

Phoenix Satori chapter 1 . 3/27/2006
I'm bamboozled...

Truly, truly inspiring.

I think it's safe to say that this is the definitive RosettexChrno fic.

You're incredible.

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