Reviews for Lost in Time
Megan Lyle chapter 15 . 12/6/2019
Wow! This is a awesome, melodramatic, and romantic story! Please keep writing.
Elanor12345 chapter 15 . 6/9/2019
Please tell me you are going continue this book. It just got to the best part. They talked like strangers, and to imagine they knew each other so well just 4 years ago and the same with the ones they talked about. I am really interested how it goes on. Please. Continue!
HuntressXHunter chapter 15 . 3/1/2015
Please finish this its been eight years sence you updated PLEASE
Luck ducky chapter 11 . 9/26/2014
I hope wendy relises that whilliam is Peter Pan
sultal chapter 15 . 9/6/2014
You have a clean, beautiful writing style. there a happy ending? :)
Guest chapter 15 . 3/11/2014
Finish the story!
Guest chapter 15 . 2/5/2014
How you do trouble my poor heart! Every time Wendy and "William" meet each other I say to myself,"This is it! He's going to remember!" And then, poof! That fantasy is over in a blink of an eye! And then the last chapter we meet Tinkerbell after ages and ages to have her zoom over their heads, not even noticing that the one person she's looking for is right under her nose! And then! Oh, and then we are left with a cliffhanger that has been there for eight years! You must finish this, or else I will be forever be wondering what in the world happens next!
Mrs Pan chapter 15 . 10/7/2013
PLEASE CONTINUE! I love this series!
thereadingturtle chapter 15 . 9/6/2013
I know it has been 7 years but I still must ask, pleases continue this story! I, like the lost boys, love stories so much... and this ones is such a good lone!
Elise chapter 15 . 8/27/2013
This is such a beautifully written fanfiction. It captivated me right from the first chapter I'm so sad there's no more at the moment and am waiting eagerly for more.
Thank you for keeping Peter Pan alive in a way no one else has been able to!
marisol chapter 15 . 8/10/2013
i really liked the story i read ALL of the chapters in one day it took like around 8 hours lol im not kidding and it this the last chapter or will there be more ? i hope more XD i really loved the story you are an amazing writer
Kubla Khun chapter 4 . 3/24/2013
I have been looking on and off for a long time now, for a story that is as well written as this one. The end of this chapter made me tear up! Good job! The characters are well written, the worlds are described beautifully and I cannot wait to see what happens in the story. I only hope that is is finished but if not it is still lovely!
komaeda chapter 15 . 1/23/2013
aaa this story is really great, though i'm guessing you're not really going to finish it
but yes it's really well written and thought out i really like it!
umjily chapter 15 . 8/22/2012
Its been like 6 years scince you updated! Please dont give up on this story its amazing (:
Nightmarekitten13-7 chapter 15 . 8/6/2012
Wonderful story wish you'd finnished it if you'd like I could try and continue the story but it probably won't be nearly as good if you do it, I wouldn't want to mess up the story.
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