Reviews for Palace Stories
Guest chapter 45 . 10/31/2013
Please write more
DarkEcoFreak chapter 45 . 2/26/2013
Wow… that had to be one of the awesomest fics I've ever read! ALL of those were crazy amazing! Although it would've been cool to see more Dark Jak in some.
Oblique Strategies chapter 45 . 1/12/2013
I took the time to read every single chapter before posting this review. You have been able to write a genuinely risible story which strikes upon my sense of humour perfectly. This, combined with how well it has been written (though there's still the odd mistake here and there), makes this one of my all time favourites. I also find it remarkable that you have been keeping this story alive since 2004, now that's commitment. Some chapters were better than others of course; my favourites were the Christmas ones, The Praxis Virus, and the Race to End all Races. I'd love to see another chapter to the latter saga.
Keep it up, and looking forward to seeing more.
light eco lover chapter 3 . 9/27/2012
Oh my gosh i haven't even read the whole story and im already addicted to it. Chapter 3 rules!
ChocolateZombie chapter 45 . 8/23/2012
It's about damn time.

Why do I get the feeling this is the successor to Praxjou? Eh.

Things this chapter reminded me of:

Spongebob (The episode where they have a clubhouse and get lost in the woods reflects Erol and Damas/Praxis's camping styles)

Ed, Edd, n Eddy (Their camping episode when they try to scare the Urban Rangers reflects the Ashelin attacks)

Update more frequently please! This series never gets old! And I'm still waiting for the next 'Race to End all Races' installment.
ChocolateZombie chapter 44 . 2/6/2011
Yeah, I'd agree with that Damas/Jak theory. It must've been a horrifying ride for those innocent swimmers clutching on to Kliever's flab while flying through the portal, especially with the g-string. I'd probably figure that the wastelander's weight was the reason it took so long; that or he stopped at McDonald's on the way there.
Musashi the Master chapter 44 . 2/6/2011
LOL XD (Randowm Arnold Laughing) Epic finiale to this funny chapter! Please, do a 3 part Love Hina/Palace Stories saga! :3
EcoSeeker247 chapter 44 . 2/6/2011
DAMAS! LOL! OMG, he was so funny in this chapter! XD

Thanks for the shoutout, too! :)
EcoSeeker247 chapter 43 . 2/6/2011
LOL! This was great, as always! I especially loved when Jak would randomly shout, "SWIMMING POOL!"

Keep up the good work! :)
ChocolateZombie chapter 42 . 1/23/2011
Like mother, like son, I suppose. I suspect that a mother-praxis rampage is looming in the future.
GreyJedi chapter 42 . 1/23/2011
Why do I have this awful feeling that at some point Father Praxis will be making an appearance?

Ashelin should know better than to try and keep something secret, it just makes her look suspicious, particularly when she doesn't react like she should.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but some of the similes you write are just priceless, such as the "gearing up to tell a small child that she'd run over their favourite toy with the lawn mower" line.

I feel like I should've seen the whole Brutter thing coming, but I didn't. Perhaps it's because he's been spared from your insanity so far?

And of course, gotta love Erol and how adamant he is that Mama Praxis isn't as bad as her son. Poor Commander, doesn't he realize that's how she works? Drawing her victims in by appearing all sweet and motherly and then attacking when they least expect it. Clearly he hasn't spent enough time around the Praxis family yet. XD
Musashi the Master chapter 41 . 9/4/2010
Epic ending to a 4 part saga. Hey, can you do the Love Hina/Palace Stories crossover saga which will be 3 parts, ya know where the Love Hina gang are sucked into the Palace Stories universe and they have no choice but to live with the Baron and deal with his misadventures till Erol, Ashlein and Veger make a portal for them to head home to their world? It will be awesome!
GreyJedi chapter 41 . 9/4/2010
Hey, if you or Corad decided to draw Praxis and Damas' vehicles, you know I'll look at them.

About halfway through the whole chase, I stopped for a minute to ask myself 1. Why in the world was I reading about a man on a lawnmower chasing a man on a flying fridge? 2. How in the world did you ever come up with this idea? XD Then I remembered that it was in fact Palace Stories, so I stopped worrying about it.

I must say, I loved the little bit about Jinx. XD Cause I mean REALLY, I don't think that can be blamed on the Baron.

As for whether I prefer one chapter episodes, or multi-chapter episodes, I'm not entirely sure, but I think I found that at least in this instance, multi-chapters was a better way to go.

Mothers? Sweet sugar based substance, Bijoux, what are you going to do? D: ...Femaxis again...?
Musashi the Master chapter 40 . 9/1/2010
As Moar Krabs would say,

Moar Krabs: Moar!

I wanna see the finalie of Through Blech and Space! It will be either climaticaly funny or anti climaticly funny! XD Will Damas save the Brink from Praxis and the Sky Pirates or will he only make things worse? Or will Praxis let out a final belch that will destroy the universe or he may belch again to save it? XD
ChocolateZombie chapter 40 . 8/23/2010
Oh, the look that'll be on Praxis's face when he sees that Damas has arrived...

Good part three; I'd like to maybe see Jak get involved in this war. Most likely he'd probably be on the Pirates' side because of Damas.

Also wondering when the next installment of the "Race to end all Races" is going to come. I say part 4 should be in the wasteland.
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