Reviews for Of Hearts and Heroes
epic how chapter 24 . 4/23
I cannot think of another story that captivated me so much. Last night, I looked up and it was 4am, and I thiught, "well, only 5 more chapters to go, who needs sleep?" Thank you for sharing this with us-it was amazing. Whenever I see long hiatus stories I adore, I just want to let you know that even though you wrote this a long to,e ago, it meant something to me today I hope you are still using your gift for writing to paint beautiful pictures for your readers.
Clinio chapter 24 . 10/30/2019
For all interesting in this work. It is COMPLETE in the Archives Our Ows site:

By the way. This is One Of the Very Best Romione wrote ever. In my opinion, one of the three long shot wrote of all times.
I can see that your last work here was at 2017 so, I want to have hope to read another Romione yours sometime. From the bottom of my heart.
And thanks.
IWantABetterWebsite chapter 24 . 3/15/2018
I just finished this story on another site, and I have to say, it is really bad.

A little bit of angst and relationship drama can be acceptably annoying, but this story is nothing but a bunch of angsty idiots who could solve all of their problems if they would just talk a bit. The worst offenders are Ron and Hermione, who can't even figure out that the other one likes them when they're having sex.

And the worst part is that of all the plot threads and relationship drama that build up in the story, the only one that gets resolved is Ron and Hermione's relationship, which was easily the most frustrating and least enjoyable of the plot arcs.

And then there's the tendency to retell almost every scene from at least two points of view, which got old really quick. It's a wonder that I even made it through this thing.
Me chapter 24 . 12/23/2013
Why did you never finish this? Very cruel of you to post up to chapter 49 on other sites, then drop off the face of the earth. At least post something saying you'll never finish, will finish, or something! Wow...quit much at stuff?
Andra chapter 24 . 2/27/2013
I have so enjoyed this story. I have been reading up to chapter 49 on other sites and I hope to get a wonderful conclusion. Thank youn for sharing your writing gift with us.
Guest chapter 24 . 10/1/2012
I just discovered this and read the entire thing. I'm slightly desperate for you to finish it now...
Guest chapter 2 . 10/1/2012
This is really good writing!
TroyWeb chapter 24 . 9/24/2012
This was a very well written fan fic. I usually try to avoid a lot of fluff, but I think this is one of the most detailed story about how Ron and Hermione felt about each other. You really captured the teenagers can be so confused and difficult at that age. Also Harry and Ginny have their own sub plot that avoids the Mary Sue version of Ginny that is so prevalent in fan fiction. I regret that you didn't complete the story here at FFnet.
gabitybabity chapter 24 . 10/6/2011
will there ever be another chapter coming?
CrayolaJr chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
So. Are you gonna put the rest of the story up on here, because to read it on Checkmated you have to have Bedchamber access and it takes FOREVER to get approved.
CrayolaJr chapter 21 . 4/6/2011
EERRGRGHHHHGGHGHH! Sorry to sound like the normal reviewer, but this story was really good. I just finished the last chapter and I LOVE RON! Usually in most stories Ron is really annoying and mean, and I love that she's all "He's so sweet and caring...blah" And he's like "Boobs. God I want to feel her up." So...UPDATE!
CrayolaJr chapter 6 . 4/2/2011
( ( so sad... but I really do like the story ( (
Larry Hotter chapter 3 . 2/5/2011
Again... Did like it all, expect Adrianna.

My God she and her story is just not right...
Larry Hotter chapter 2 . 2/5/2011
I liked the first chapter.

And the second also... except for the Adrianna part.

She is a bit too much with the mind reading shite. Honestly.

I wish you ditched the stupid empath deal and her being related to Potter.

She is just a rather annoying character, that I know is going to, unfortunately, have a major role in this story.

Shame really.

Initially, I found this extremely well written, and looked forward to reading the whole thing.

Now, I don't know how much of her I can handle... She just puts me off!

Hopefully I am wrong, and she dies a horrible death in the next chapter.
puppi chapter 24 . 1/17/2010
I love your story! You just can't end it like that! You have to write an end! Please! *-*
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