Reviews for Growth
The Apocryphal One chapter 9 . 3/6/2019
Oh, this whole piece was beautiful! Loved it!
tintinabar7 chapter 9 . 9/3/2018
the end was very fast. Could be more detailed. But it's still a great story
tintinabar7 chapter 1 . 9/2/2018
No matter how much time passes, this story will always be a work of art.
Erilin-chan chapter 9 . 5/11/2017
I liked the linking in with items from the game, and the summoning idea. The romance felt a bit rushed in the end, but an interesting read.
Guest chapter 9 . 10/17/2016
I'm always amazed when I read this story - you've truly created a work of art!
littlemsstrawberry chapter 9 . 9/16/2012
Love this
Weskette chapter 9 . 12/8/2010
... I love it! I found the comic first, and when I was searching Yuffentine on Fanfiction I opened the tab for the comic and freaked because they were one and the same. My reaction-

"Wait... Growth? Like the comic? And it's got the same characters... -opens seperate tab with the comic- -gasp- IT'S ON FANFICTION?"
Franny Mika chapter 9 . 7/23/2010
Very well-written; I love it! Besides from small grammatical mistakes (like two and too), a very well-structured story! And must be a relief that AC didn't effect the story too much, eh?

Keep it up!
tinkerheck chapter 9 . 12/28/2009
read this - wow - then ran and read the comic. really, REALLY, great. Please finish the comic. You should be proud of all this good work!
xandria chapter 9 . 11/29/2009
I loved this story! You got both their "voices" just right. I read everything in one go. Brilliant work!
Fetherhd chapter 9 . 11/19/2009
A great tale. thanks
yuffie and vincent fan forever chapter 9 . 6/18/2009
why did yuffie have to die and without vincent they shouldve died together. i really loved the story.
yuffie and vincent fan forever chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
you miss spelled lucrecia's name it L-u-c-r-e-c-i-a not lucretia but at least you tried great story by the way
Midnight Violinist chapter 1 . 6/17/2009
You potray Vincent's pain so vividly! Wonderful!
scottishfae chapter 1 . 6/3/2009
Congratulations! You've been rec'd!

The Reader's Have Chosen is a new fanfiction recommendation community dedicated to finding the best of the best in fandoms across the boards, and sharing them with other authors and avid readers. Your story, Growth, has been rec'd and is now being voted on in the Monthly Poll (Video Games). Fellow fandom-aficionados will vote for their favorites of all the recommendations, and the stories with the most votes will be posted on the front page.

You can find our website at (without spaces): thereadershavechosen . eternflame . com

You can find the Video Games Monthly Poll at (without spaces): thereadershavechosen . eternflame forum / index . php ? topic 997.0

Thank you for sharing your work with us!
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