Reviews for What Love Means
Kamulyn chapter 1 . 8/19/2010


"I've been told it's making out with a hot girl at a burger restaurant. -Jounouchi

I've been told it's making out with a hot girl at the movies. -Honda

I've been told it's making out with a hot girl after you crush an opponent to a pulp. -Otogi

I've been told it's nonexistent. -Kaiba"


I absolutely LOVE that part! I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing out i wont use "lol". D
Elle Seren chapter 1 . 7/23/2010
WOW that was incredible! You really nailed what i believe to be true love right on the head. its so much of everything all at once, not just a couple acts strung together...amazing job i am so impressed! thanks for posting :)
fantasia-49 chapter 1 . 12/23/2009
oh it so wonderful really and so cute and romantic! i can't describe what i feel like mou hitori no yugi!

excellent really
Felling chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
Ehh. What does Mou Hitori no Yuugi mean? xD Btw, loved the story. :)
crazymonster chapter 1 . 10/5/2007
how sweet!
Crystallynne chapter 1 . 4/14/2007
aww..dude, you totally made me cry. Awesome story!
Almandine-Azaleea chapter 1 . 3/15/2006
This is a beautiful piece of work. It is simply exquisite. I love the dialogue, and how Yami's words just seem to flow without making him sound pompous; and the ending is simply beautiful! Definitely adding it to my favourites. Beautiful!
Kayla chapter 1 . 11/18/2005
this is really good, i love it
dreamcloud516 chapter 1 . 7/7/2005

his hair was tame WITH the gel? O_O; lmao...

Atemu soujds sexy... lol. tootles,

Nicole Ioos chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
wow... how romantic! (who knew that yami could cry like that!) it was very deep. coolness! (by the way there is nothing i would change about your story!):)
WhiteRose36 chapter 1 . 5/21/2005
Woo! Nice story! Its going to my favs! I like it! I really do! Its like... ... WHAO!

Do write more Yami/Tea stories! Mine is coming up soon!
Meli teh Dark One chapter 1 . 5/9/2005
Aw... So sweet!

I loved it, and I hope you write some more. Longer ones, though, not one-shot. Or write a sequal to this one!
Jellybob 15 chapter 1 . 5/5/2005
Awesome job! I really liked this fic. Definitely going in my favs list. I can't believe I didn't discover this fic, and you, before. I'm obsessed with the couple. *_* anywayz, thanks for writing such a great fic. Yami sounded so natural, and his feelings did as well. It was very well-written.
A. Valentine chapter 1 . 4/28/2005
I loved it! It was so sweet!
Jessica Morgan chapter 1 . 4/2/2005
Likies? No, more like Lovies! Anzu/Yami 4 ever!
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