Reviews for The Highwayman
The Highwaywoman chapter 1 . 2/15/2003
Well, you can take a wild guess as to why I read this one... :)
Cetra Angel not signed in cuz i'm lazy like that chapter 1 . 2/15/2003
WOW! I really liked that, The Highwayman is one of my favorite poems, and the story really fit the poem. Great fic!
Sailor Erin chapter 1 . 10/17/2002
I love "The Highway Man"! And this story is no expection_~ You write wonderfully TG!
Cindy Moon chapter 1 . 2/28/2002
One word... WOW

i've read the Highwayman and it's one of those types of poems that are deep depressing poems

this is an awesome "re-make" of it!

Squall and Rinoa 4evah!
kinneas chapter 1 . 9/16/2001
Oiy! I always loved the "Highwayman" poem! This crossover was excellent! Adored it. Oh! Oh man, you're at college now! I hope you like it _
Lady Aliena chapter 1 . 4/18/2001
Very clever! I really enjoyed it. I hope you end up writing more FF8 fics because you're good!
Amy chapter 1 . 3/6/2001
I've read the Highwayman /lots/ of times before, being an English major. :) This is wonderful - totally refreshing and new! Have you ever listened to the poem sung by Loreena McKennit? Makes me want to find someone with a nice, ethereal voice like hers to sing this... ;)
oruntia chapter 1 . 3/6/2001
i never read the highwayman but i liked your story ... squall seems a little ooc in the sense that he is actually a 'bad guy' in this story ... :) still ... it was nice and a little sad ... *sigh*
Tifa Gainsborough chapter 1 . 3/3/2001
Yaahoo! My first ever FFIII story. I'm gonna pay on my next VII story for my little comment. Hope everybody enjoyed and please be kind. I know this story isn't that great.