Reviews for You Don't Know
Can't fight the moonlight chapter 1 . 2/12/2008
I LOVED it! :D

It was so cute... it's one of the best Harry/Hermione fics I'v ever read! xD

Everything was so real... well, what I mean is that it wasn't hard to visualize it, I could really see them in front of me, well not literally of course... but almost x)

You really are an amazing author! ;D
sanctuary-in-dreams chapter 1 . 12/25/2007
you are too good to be true! my favorite shipping, written by an amazing author... i think i've died and gone to heaven. thanks for being awesome!
Claudita chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
Oh my god! That was the sweetest thing (applausse) ! I loved it ! You're a great writer, I can tell. I'm so gonna add this to my favourite stories! Seriously, congratulations ! One of the best fics I've ever read !

kizkool chapter 1 . 4/16/2006
aw that was so sweet!

It almost made me cry!

Keep up the good work

niami-samly chapter 1 . 1/26/2006
awsome fic i luv it!
AnjaliMalfoy chapter 1 . 6/10/2005
hey! this story is extremely wonderful. i love all of your stories. they are extremely thoughful and beautiful. i look forward to reading all of your stories. they capture the essence of harry potter beautifully. you have major talent. keep up the great work.

this story was very sweet. aw poor harry being teased by ron. i get that a lot too. but that's ok. loll. i'm SOO happy that they got together. harry and hermione are really cute together. :D i really like how you took the lyrics of a simple song and tranformed to something really pretty. and no bd about hermione being a little older. well hopefully harry turns 18 soon and then they're only a few months apart.
Lone Stranger chapter 1 . 5/6/2005
oh this story is so cute! i just love HHr. good job!
Hermione Potter 4ever chapter 1 . 1/31/2005

I loved it!

I love the fluffy stuff it is great!
Gorgena chapter 1 . 1/18/2005
really like this story! is it only a one time thing or what? i really liked it so hope that you have more storys out like it i like the theme of it:-D
meg chapter 1 . 1/18/2005
aw. that was so sweet. you should write more chapters
Harryswoman chapter 1 . 1/17/2005
This was very sweet! Keep up the great work and write more!
linkar88 chapter 1 . 1/16/2005
Aw! That was so sweet. *tear*
Larry Williams chapter 1 . 1/16/2005
Sweet. It's nice to just see regualar teeage angst in the middle of Harry's world.

Zephyr of the Shadows chapter 1 . 1/15/2005
kool story u should write another chapter
Hermione Rae chapter 1 . 1/14/2005
You should've listed this as Romance/Drama cuz I got teared up - this was fluffy, but definitely a tear-jerker, too. But all in all, I got warm fuzzies, so all is well. Keep up the amazing work, btw, I caught some mistakes in grammar that your beta missed, so you should both be extra careful when you proof it next time.


Hermione Rae
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