Reviews for Torrent
Smaug666 chapter 7 . 4/16/2019
(Slaps face and does a face palm) Oh brother. What a terrible pun.
LifeIsASacrificeWorthMaking chapter 5 . 5/10/2016
It's the second time I read this and it's still awesome!
Elvenrose22 chapter 28 . 2/26/2016
Cute story so far!
AddysOKSunflowers chapter 3 . 10/13/2014
Ok, why does Lyss have four powers? It's extremely rare for mutants to have more than two let alone four.
Guest chapter 47 . 8/13/2014
Why didn't lyss just teleport?
Guest chapter 19 . 8/12/2014
Logan is so tame, it's very ooc
rereerre chapter 31 . 3/6/2014
THIS STORY IS AWESOME! .It.I can't describe the perfectness of this has blown my mind.I really love how Jean comes back from the dead. I had to stop reading for a while to giggle and jump. If I didn't I would probably EXPLODE with STORY IS BEYOND BEAUTIFUL;)!
lachicarebelde22 chapter 57 . 1/28/2014
eeeepppp I hope you write more soon
fangirl0012345 chapter 1 . 1/6/2014
This is amazing! But I just have one special thing to say: GO CANADIANS!(Guess where I'm from) ;D
beulah2013 chapter 9 . 12/28/2013
What happened to Logan's enhanced senses?
MF 22 chapter 1 . 11/25/2013
I've been reading the story, and to be honest, it's ok. Not the best, but not the worst. I really cannot fathom how someone like Lyss would ever go for a monster like Logan (and yes, he IS a monster) when someone like Hank is there; he's actually not some uncouth, mindless, rabid reject. In fact, I can't see how ANY self respecting woman would go for someone like Logan. But then again, Jean inexplicably had a connection with the monster. It really makes no sense in any way, shape, or form. Even in the other fic you wrote, he's a monster who willingly stole Jean away from Scott. The rabid animal has no redeeming qualities to speak of, none whatsoever.

I'm sorry if this comes across as a flame, as it's not the intention. I just can't understand the dynamic behind the relationship when someone much more suitable for Lyss is right there, and instead she went for someone who's her polar opposite, someone who has absolutely nothing in common with her save for being a mutant.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/4/2013
Sexy! Logggggan! Nice approach
Guest chapter 2 . 9/28/2013
I can't even get past chapter 2. Lyss is an awful character. Perfect is boring. You need to take away all but one of her powers and give her some human flaws to make her more readable. You are a decent writer but this story is ruined right in the first two chapters by your OC. No one wants to read about someone who is perfect because no one in real life is perfect-we as readers can't relate.
crystalstar1999 chapter 57 . 4/13/2013
I loved this story.
TeamAmWolves chapter 57 . 6/28/2012
I have mixed feelings about this story. Quite frankly I can't say I love it, or completely like it. Nor do I completely hate or dislike it even. I just have problems with it throughout. For the first 30 chapters or so, I thought Logan was completely dislikeable and I couldn't believe your OC stayed with him or even wanted to be with him when someone like Hank was there, who I thought was a much better fit for her overall. It also bugged me that anytime they fought, it was her fault, she was the one in the wrong. She was being stubborn, or unreasonable. The only time Logan ever really seemed to take responsibility for his actions, it seemed like he was doing it just to placate her, not that he actually felt like he was in the wrong. Not that I even think she was completely innocent either. Quite frankly she was too weak at first and just let him run roughshod right over her. Also, I really think her characterization was all over the place. It seemed like she started off strong enough with a sense of self but then she and Logan grew close and she became a sniveling little girl who wanted to please him, and then suddenly she was strong again, which didn't seem like a natural progression so much as out of left field. It also made him seem manipulative because it seemed like he used how she seemed to be weak around him. I just didn't care for their relationship at all. I mostly just saw this story through to the end because of Scott/Rogue which I thought overall was more interesting and better written. I hope you don't take this as a flame, either, because I'm not intending it to be. These are just my thoughts. As it was, if this story had a sequel, I'm not sure I'd read it. Just based on my feelings for the original. One last thing I want to make a point of, the climax of the story seemed to be going really well, what with the battle with Phoenix and taking her down and the aftermath, but the final chapter or two really just seemed rushed. I know it's a fairly long story and probably you were just ready to see it to the end, but I think it could've benefitted from another 3 chapters at least, if not another 8. Just to show more of the couples getting to where they are, and showing the struggle Jean had to get to wherre she was. I always have hated jumps in time in the last chapter, because I think therre's so much they leave out and it frustrates me that you don't get to see how some things get played out.
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