Reviews for The Twisted Web of Fate
Kedzie chapter 21 . 7/27/2019
What? THIRTEEN YEARS since your last update? Any excuses? Are you dead? Have you gone to Valinor? Well, that is a great disappointment. I should know by now never to read WIPs.
Guest chapter 20 . 7/27/2019
Why didn’t they ask the Great Eagles to fly them to Imladris?
Kedzie chapter 10 . 7/26/2019
I know you always apologize for all the medical stuff, and yeah, some of it is gross, but I am finding it very helpful and am learning new things so thank you for that. But more Thranduil, please! He’s the reason I started reading this and he seems to have been shoved into the background. Love the Eagles, though!
Aquamarine chapter 8 . 7/26/2019
Sorry, but I’m starting to feel as nauseated as Thranduil and Elrond. Too much hurt, not enough comfort. Just endless complications, to the point where you lose drama and just get boring. Bye and good luck!
Aquamarine chapter 2 . 7/26/2019
And “Bremoline” is just as bad, sounds like a hair cream for men.
Aquamarine chapter 1 . 7/26/2019
Minerella! That has to be the worst attempt at an Elf name I ever heard. All the beautiful names available and you have to pick something that sounds like a laxative...
dreamgoneby chapter 21 . 11/15/2018
It is so sad that this story is not going to get finished. I really enjoyed reading it.
dreamgoneby chapter 8 . 11/12/2018
I absolutely love this story! I just can't stop reading. lol
Guest chapter 21 . 6/9/2018
Please Finish the Story! It is so good and you have gotten so far already! I have very much enjoyed the plot and you have done a great job making it intricate and with enough characters it feels like it could be made into a book! Please write more, especially about Galadriel, her parts have been my favorite!
mystarlight chapter 21 . 4/12/2018
I really love your story thank you for writing and sharing
Cassandra chapter 14 . 10/26/2017
:( why is not complete?
T.T chapter 14 . 10/21/2017
I am going yo cry. But not because the story. (Well, also) because IT IS NOT COMPLEATE.

this story is so well written
Daniela chapter 21 . 7/16/2017
¡Continuen por favor! Necesitamos saber cómo termina la historia
Guest chapter 21 . 5/26/2017
Please update!
Guest chapter 21 . 4/29/2017
More please, I love it ! Xx
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