Reviews for The Titan Identity
Darkling Glow chapter 10 . 8/7/2010
I really enjoyed this story. Especially the unique take on how Starfire came to the Titans. Great job! :)
stargazer528 chapter 10 . 3/15/2007
very well done i liked it i cant wait to read the squel
Skyler-A-Teloiv chapter 10 . 8/30/2006
ThSamurai: As a matter of fact I have been stalking fact I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU!

SAT: EEK! (whips around, fist first and hits Stepfather in...a certain area)

Daddy: ugh you are SO grounded

SAT: heh heh

Or the other scenario...

ThSamurai: As a matter of fact I have been stalking fact I'M RIGHT BEHIND YOU!

Me:(looks behind me fearfully... to see you there) Oh, hey dude, ya saved me an email. heres what i thought of yer story.

I wouldve GREATLY preferred yer version of what happens, but why do you keep usin movie quotes?

Chapter 2: “Starfire, you learned how to speak Latin in two minuets?”

“Well, not in it’s entirety.”

Now yer takin things from Phenomenon! whatever, anyways, imagine my surprise when i discover a fellow fan of JulesFire. that, and the fact that Jules is a boy. Are you SURE? cause the stories he/she IT writes have the kind of fluff that girls write. i dunno, just wondrin.

Dang. 20. well, when ya 21, dedicate a shot to me. just kiddin, i hate all forms of alchohol(i hate the taste) besides supersweet wine and liquor in general(since my relitives-not my parents- are all borderline alchoholics)

Dont feel bad, my dad doesnt mind the whole legless thing. he was actually the one to come up with the "bear-trap" story. Yeah, hope college works out and the demon English teacher gets whats comin to her. Maybe you shold sic the Magistrate on her now... (rubs chin thoughtfully) anyways



PS: have you read the new part on chapter 2 of Blue October? if not, its kinda important so READ IT and then tell me what cha think
Dana-Fire chapter 2 . 8/19/2006
This is wonderful!
Sacred Miko Hime chapter 10 . 7/25/2006
teen freak chapter 1 . 5/31/2006
just what i would expect form a great mastepiece writer as yourself. please keep up the good work!

Now, if only i had found this when you were actually writing it...

(walks away mumbling like Popeye)

much whoopla, (my word for love)

Wingz chapter 10 . 2/13/2006
Wow, and i mean WOW! this story is amazing! Its got evreything, theres fulff,humor,action and loads of fight scines! This story was fun to read and i hope your others r 2!
akait39 chapter 10 . 8/11/2005
Holy mother of my father, this was so good! Fabulous writing skills. Amazing descriptive skills, and GLORIOUS plot. I started reading this story some time ago, but I lost the title never finding it again. Then I stumbled on it again, WHAT LUCK! Now, I'm going to start The Titan Supremcy or whever the sequel is. haha Wonderful job!
cottoncandyclouds chapter 1 . 6/6/2005
okay, I LOVE the way you ended this, it was so frikin' brilliant. and I LOVE the sequel. do not change either, AT ALL!
CloeyMarie chapter 10 . 5/7/2005
Just wanted to tell you that your fanfiction was awsome! It combined humor, romance, fighting in just the right amounts. I read it straight threw and enjoyed every minute of it!
CalliopeMused chapter 10 . 4/30/2005
Nice story. I don't know if you made all the details up, as I don't watch nearly as much television as I'd like to. If you did, great storyline. If you didn't, great storyline anyway, and nice job adapting it. Some of the action was a little confusing, but that's the only problem I found that could be fixed. I like the background feeling that it gives the Titans, and the "I believe you can fly" line is great.
Roi-Tan chapter 10 . 4/13/2005
woohoo! Awesome~!
CrystalRose727 chapter 10 . 3/26/2005
This was an awesome story!One of my absolute favs! You should totaly do a sequel!
SweetPrincess chapter 10 . 3/25/2005
Hey again! I loved the end it was beautifull, great, amazing, everythyng!

I'm really sorry for no reviewed you the last charper, but like i told you, i have too much homework...AND I'M DEPRESED ALL BECAUSE A STUPID MATHS TEST! CAN YOU BELIVE THAT I'VE DONE MORE THAN 100 EJERCICES IN THE FU* BOOK "BALDOR OF ALGEBRA" (NOT KIDDING) AND I've REPROVED! :'( I WANNA CRY! snif snif ...well, anyways, life's go on u.u (stupid school... i'm seriously thinking i being a vagabund girl who lives under a bridge ù.ú)

And to answer you question: I WOULD LOVE READ A SEQUEL! do it please! I hope read you soon again!

Bye and kisses, i've to find a bridge, i mean, finish my homework '...
Jeanniestorm chapter 10 . 3/21/2005
Very nice!
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