Reviews for Fading
shadow warren chapter 22 . 3/10/2019
This story was so good that words can't describe it. I know it has more than likely been abandoned, but I want you to know that I will put this on my favorites list and come back to read it many many times.
luvtheheaven chapter 6 . 2/8/2019
I'm really enjoying this story, and it's reminding me quite a bit of my first forray into writing fanfiction over 8 years ago. I know this story is permanently unfinished, but I searched The O.C. fics on this site by amount favorited and this one was in second place, after a winner I temporarily skipped over because the summary didn't entice me. I want to read the best of the best. I only got into this fandom a little over 9 years ago for the first time and have revisited it a few times over the years, especially the second to last episode of the series when Ryan is bleeding to death and Seth is trying to be brave, such a huge favorite of mine... but I was always firmly in the fanvideo side of the fandom and never explored fics. Now that I've just rewatched the whole series on Hulu I've been feeling very tempted to write two fic ideas I can't shake, and that makes me really want to read what is out there first!

With this story I really wish you'd had a beta and a few of the small errors I noticed fixed, like the thought that lymphoma isn't a type of cancer as much as leukemia is was just a mistake, or every "Asked character" with a capital A is just a slightly mistaken way to do dialogue tag capitalization. There are rules for when you end the sentence in the quotation marks and then start a new one vs when the thing after the quotation marks is still part of the same sentence, essentially. But I know it's not the hugest deal; I am sorry to bring it up now 14 years after the initial publication of this story.

You were clearly an amazing writer and I look forward to reading the rest of what's posted. I really love your characterization of everyone so far, which is pretty much just the Cohens who have been explored in depth thus far. I also love that Marissa has had a pretty sympathetic portrayal so far though. I really love her. I think getting the believability of the situation and of what each character would say and do down is the most important part of enjoyability in fanfiction and while maybe Sandy here is a teensy bit over the top in denial for a guy who is generally so good in a crisis, I love even the portrayal of him nonetheless! I love all of it.
Tilty.bbb chapter 22 . 11/23/2018
This was a fantastic read well done
Guest chapter 22 . 4/24/2018
I wish there was more of this
Guest chapter 22 . 9/22/2017
So che sono passati 10 anni, ma credi di poter terminare la storia ,mi piace molto
Guest chapter 12 . 10/28/2016
Wow. Over a decade since this was last updated. Pretty sure its safe to say thats all we are going to get. If you ever do read this can i just congratulate you on a what a fantastically, well-written fic you have managed to craft(even though you did leave us all hanging). I have lost count how many times i have read this over the years, and yet always seem to end up back here. I just let my imagination fill in the blanks from where you left off. Thank you.
Stormai chapter 2 . 12/28/2015
I just love Seth's and Ryan's relationship in this story! Well, in the show PERIOD! It's well developed
Lisa O'Brien chapter 22 . 5/14/2011
I'm with the other past reviewers. You need to finish this story. I know how hard it is when you lose your way with a big story such as this one. I've got one of my own that's been dormant on my hard drive for years. You've done such a great job with the characters and the story, though and they all deserve not to be left in limbo. Especially poor Ryan.

I also have to say that I liked your Marissa in this story. She was true to the show, but she realized the error of her ways and had matured somewhat.

Please, please, please, finish this story!
Chiclete chapter 22 . 1/4/2011
Any chance of updating? I so love this story...
slimkay chapter 22 . 12/16/2010
It's like the umpteenth time I'm reading this fic, and I always find that the ending is too abrupt... which is normal since your story is still a work in progress!

Come on, we don't care about Marissa. You can kill her off quick and easy, like they did on the real O.C. (Season 3). We just want team Caleb, Sandy, Seth, Kirsten and Summer to pull Ryan out of his misery...

or if Ryan does not make it. I'm pretty sure you could pull off both quite easily.

You're such a talented writer. I am not exaggerating by saying that this the best fic - hands down - that I've ever read.

I don't cry often, believe me, but this fic has made me shed some tears many times. The power of words is often understated. I seriously hope you will consider finishing what is probably the most epic of all fics.

Judging from the number of reviews, I don't think I am the only one.

If you don't want to finish it, well, I want to tell you that you've done an amazing job, fellow Canuck (Sleeman!), and that I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Kelcor chapter 22 . 12/5/2010
Well, I really hope you continue this story! The character of Marissa had turned me off this show, as well - but now you (and your story) have made me decide to give The O.C. another shot... I'll just do my best to ignore Marissa! LoL The great thing about fanfic is that you can make the storyline and characters do whatever your heart desires! :o) Don't get me wrong, I know all about writer's block and how difficult it can be to get past - but I still hope you'll continue this story! I especially love the Sandy/Ryan father/son moments and the Seth/Ryan brotherly moments... I'm just sayin'! *wink* :o)

kej chapter 22 . 5/27/2010
WHATS WRONG WITH YOU marissa has been dead three four years now its about time you get over her and finish this great story
caren67 chapter 22 . 2/20/2010
Please continue! Don't be done!
caren67 chapter 18 . 2/20/2010
I absolutely love this story so far! It is amazing. Most of the cancer stories are depressing, but I love how you incorporated the family aspect. Amazing Job
tcsportsmed7 chapter 1 . 2/9/2010
FINISH THIS STORY PLEASE! I know it's been years since you touched this, but it was so good and you just kind of left it hanging with hundreds of fans longing for more. Screw Marissa if you don't like her. Please don't stop writing this because of her character. Just ship her off somewhere, but please finish this amazing story-if anything for all of us fans who still love Ryan and the Cohens!


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