Reviews for Future Unknown
inuyasha16451 chapter 7 . 5/8/2019
OMG. Please please come back and update this amazing story soon
summertuvok1 chapter 7 . 2/24/2016
Can't wait for the next chapter
Guest chapter 7 . 8/27/2015
Katelaina chapter 5 . 10/29/2014
Always ignore flamers, constructive advice is one thing but flaming someone's work is another. I personally enjoy your work so far, keep it up.
BleuFlyinKittensTimesInfinity chapter 7 . 8/25/2013
Gosh darnit. Are you not going continue this fanfic? 7 years is not very cool to not finish a story! :( Please?
fanficfreak14 chapter 7 . 5/2/2013
TopazDove chapter 7 . 11/28/2012
*Growls* Zabini... *turns into fairy form. Skin now a pale violet color, hair down to waist and black with a dark violet tint, eyes lavander, and big black with splatter dark violet wings. Hands glow neon purple* Zabini. Will. Die. NOBODY HURTS HARRY! NOBODY!
insane devill chapter 7 . 7/11/2012
Great story I loved it
DemeRain chapter 7 . 5/3/2012
Cliffhanger Evil. But thanks for sharing.
Venus914 chapter 5 . 3/11/2012
I know this is Draco/Harry so they will inevitably end up together. But i want Draco to suffer. Not caring about Harry and their baby, his accusation about being a whore, and his not feeling anything about his kid and its termination (he thought it was gone) made him the worst sort of person there is. And he was also unable to control people in his own house when he is its prince and also the Head Boy.

I hope Harry wont cave with just a simple apology or continued apology whether Draco meant it or not. As of this time, Draco still hasnt got an idea of what he's lost. He's more concerned about his image and his plans of revenge for Harry.

I hope Harry will really fall in love with someone who would help him with his pregnancy. Maybe that someone dies later on so it would give Draco a chance to come in to Harry's life again. But then, Harry doesnt just love him anyone. He has to share Harry's heart with the guy who's wonderful with him. I hope he will lose his inheritance, his standing with the Slyhterins because only then will i think that he's suffered enough. If not, then he doesnt deserve Harry. And i would think bandly of Harry if he would cave in without a public apology.
mattcun chapter 7 . 3/10/2012
plz write more
Emmeline.S chapter 7 . 11/12/2011
Awesome update soon plz
Wolfworrier911 chapter 7 . 8/30/2011
Poor Harry! Could ya keep going please it's a good story so far :D
El' Caliente chapter 7 . 4/29/2011
alice03tina chapter 7 . 2/2/2011

will you update it please..

you make the BEST Angst Harry Draco that I ever read !


update it, all of yours story.. i begging you,


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