Reviews for Two Fries Short
wackyjacqs chapter 2 . 5/31/2012
Finally had time (away from work) to read the second chapter.

I *love* how Jack calls her ‘Samantha’. It takes me right back to Grace and the light-hearted tone with which he greeted her in the episode; whilst Sam’s reaction to flinging her head against his chest made me giggle. They are just so perfect together! It’s frustrating to watch them at sometimes too because they're so good, yet can't/won't do anything about it.

When he told her about hating being referred to as ‘Sir’, I thought he’d suddenly remembered everything due to their close proximity or something! I imagine what he’s going through, the conflict within him as he held her while she slept and the urge he had to kiss her, how he remembered details about her, etc. is how his subconscious mind usually works when he sees her.

Obviously regulations are in place, but is that why she is fighting him? Or is it because she’s scared of him because he doesn’t know anything, because’s she’s with Pete or because she’s genuinely moved on? Although, since I’m a shipper and they did just do the deed, I think that one is highly unlikely.

Enjoyed the little touch with his ‘egg head’ comment on Sam’s photo. Again, it shows his caring side towards her.

I am however curious as to the ‘Don’t forget her...’ line in the infirmary scene. Who/what was it? I’m also intrigued as to what’s made Sam ill, although I think I’ve a pretty good idea.

Finally, I know it has been a while since this as first posted on here, but I have only just come across it today. Has Saving Grace been posted on here? If not, is there a chance it will be posted up sometime? I’m now desperate to see how this all unfolds!

Once again, it was a great little fic - one of my favourites so far!
wackyjacqs chapter 1 . 5/31/2012
Right now, I really should be working.. but I stumbled across this story and it is a little gem! So fingers crossed my boss doesn’t find out I’m skiving. I will also apologise now, as my feedback is long. But positive, I hope! :)

Firstly, I love your writing style. It’s very clear and ‘to the point’, making not only the plot believable but also to shape the characters and their pretty accurate interactions with each other in the chapter make it easy to relate to almost immediately.

For example, I could vividly imagine Sam’s unease and disillusionment at the SGC now as she waited for news on Jack; and her thoughts on Dr Weir (ie. ‘That line alone made her want to just punch her right in the head.’) That made me laugh as it reminded me of the scene in New Order, I think it was(?), when Sam effectively blackmails Elizabeth with her own words about helping her fix a ship or something. Anyhow..

The relationship between Daniel & Sam is very true to the show as you can see him as her ‘brother’ and looking out for her when Jack isn’t there. He was also really touching with Jack as he helped him find his way around the base, while Teal’c was pretty quiet in the chapter, but again that’s just like his character in the show; ever-quiet, but ever-present nonetheless.

When Jack came through the gate with Thor, I could just picture his confused reaction to his team and stuttering over his words.. and when he all but tripped over his feet looking at Sam - hilarious! Reminded me of a guy I knew once who did the same thing; although he tried to act all cool at the time and ended up landing ass over head at mine and my friends’ feet!

I thought it was interesting how you had her hanging back from Daniel, Teal’c and Dr Weir in the Gate Room and kept her hidden from view until the last minute, I assume because she was in shock? But I actually found this to make more of an impact that way, as what wasn’t said spoke more than if she was to have flung herself at him the moment he returned.

When he was in the infirmary, we still got to see the grumpy side of his character when he just wanted to leave as soon as possible. I did find it amusing though that he said they were ‘just plain freaking him out’ and yet he came through the Gate with Thor and sought his approval to see if it was okay to go with his team!

‘You’re Thera!’ Oh, my heart shot up to my throat and it took all my strength not to gasp at my computer screen. (I'm in a busy office!) The tension between Sam & Jack it just got very interesting indeed - I take it she ran off because she was upset? When I read their conversations, he was so over-bearing towards her that it also made me uncomfortable.. but this is only because it is so unlike the tough military figure we’ve come to love, and also because it was written in such a way that I could see it as clear as if I was watching a scene from an episode, rather than just plain ‘weird’ over-bearing. If that makes sense?

Lastly, talking about leaving it on a cliffhanger! Gah!

In short - I love it and can’t wait to read the second chapter later.
cassles chapter 2 . 1/28/2012
I stumbled across this story and I remembered reading your other stories as well! I was wondering if you still had saving grace somewhere, I would really enjoy reading it!
Holy Hannah chapter 2 . 3/29/2009
Please say the sequel is posted somewhere! Love what you've written so far.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/20/2007
Ah! where is the sequel.
JadedOne47 chapter 2 . 4/14/2007
that was great can't wait to read the sequel...
FrozenInTheMoment chapter 2 . 2/18/2007
any chance of next chapter? PLEAASE!
Apodrru chapter 1 . 10/2/2006
Good story so far. Where can we find the sequel?
Nikki chapter 2 . 12/17/2005
I normally don't read the 'one of them lost their memory fics' but i decieded to give yours a chance and wasn't disappointed - great job! Love the fact that she's pregnant - coz then he has to remember or she has to tell him - well done - loved it! :)
Emry Wild chapter 1 . 10/27/2005
wonderful story!

But I want to read Saving Grace? Where do I find that...please...
Delilah Wigglesworth chapter 2 . 6/24/2005
Hi! This story was GREAT! PLEASE post Saving Grace soon! ! This fic was so fantabulous it has to be continued :)
Mallovoriel chapter 1 . 6/15/2005
'has yet to be posted' sounds like it might be nearly ready to be posted nad as it has been nearly four months i am nearly at the end of my rope.. i'm surprised i made it this long as i'm not a very patient person... of course Jack has to defy what they said about not remembering and remember something and i hope its not bittersweet for long besides if he doesn't remember she will have to tell him as i am assuming i am correct in assuming from her sypmtoms that shes pregnant
Gum-drop buttons chapter 2 . 3/27/2005
That's good! Have you posted the sequel yet? Is it still called Saving Grace, cuz there's another story with that name already I think.
DragonMouse chapter 2 . 3/10/2005
uh oh, seems like our little Sam is in for a we bit of an issue... Can't wait for the sequel!

~( 8
sunstorm2 chapter 2 . 3/1/2005
Hmm.. good chapter. Awkward though. Not the writing (the writing is really good), but the events and reactions, though rather fitting.

And now I wonder what could be wrong with Sam?

Good that Jack is back, but it's gonna be weird for Sam, knowing what happened and him not knowing. More awkward that it could have been for him after the time-loop kiss.

But, yeah, odd place to end, but since there's a sequel, I guess not. Overall good story.
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