Reviews for Complete Opposites
a very strange bird chapter 14 . 8/28/2010
Ano... the eggs wouldn't start to go bad, actually. It's the change in temperatures that causes the bacteria to start to grow. Eggs can be kept out of the fridge all the time and they don't go bad. However, if they were in the fridge at a point in time and are then taken out, they do start to go bad.

There's the random science of the day for you.
Ceri Moriarty chapter 21 . 8/25/2010
half-fish kids…


Very amusing fanfiction! Good to see it finished!
Ceri Moriarty chapter 14 . 8/25/2010
Dark, Krad, Daisuke, and Satoshi, one big dysfunctional family.

lol. they're so gonna die.

Love the fic! Krad makes a really funny girl.
D.Magic chapter 4 . 7/2/2009
go krad! thats the way to show risa!
HikariYami-chan chapter 1 . 3/30/2009
Krad is a guy who turns into a girl and falls in love with Dark. Dark likes girls who turn into guys and forked tounges. Suddenly Dark and Krad are separated from Daisuke and Satoshi. Satoshi has a crush on Dai, and Dai falls in love with Sato. Risa is a closest lezzie, but pretends to be in love with Dark and is jealous bitch. Takeshi nobody pays attention to him. Emiko is so headstrong not even an army of bulldozers can stop her. First Dark and Krad get married sort of, but not realy and have to take care of a baby egg, but when that doesn't work they become the parents of Dai and Sato. I can't remember what Dark names them, but it was weird with four letters and started with f's. They all go and watch a movie about Children from hell and everybody, but the female Krad piss their pants in fear. Dark get's hit in that place, yeah you know the place nobody wants to be hit, and has to have Krad help him to Sato's place where they all stay the night. Sato freaks Dark out by saying there is a monster in sato's living room so Dark flees to Krad room and sleeps with Krad. No there was no sex. Dai is still freaked out from the movie about the evil children so he stays in satoshi's bed. Some random pervert flirts with Krad so Dark goes all ballistic and says: “You, let me lay down a few ground rules right now.” He pointed to Daisuke, “Only I’m allowed to pick on him!” Then he pointed to Satoshi, “And only I’m allowed to abuse him physically, verbally and mentally! You can harass him sexually and I wouldn’t care less but it’d be gross and disturbing and I’d rather you not. And her,” He pointed to Krad, “No one’s allowed to do anything to her except me!” Then Dark tells Krad that they are going to be lovers and then Dark and Krad go back into Sato and Dai's bodies. Oh yeah and Krad had to be a mermaid. That is the summary I made of this story. That's what I got out of this story, oh a pair of very wet pants.
Stormshadow13 chapter 21 . 1/21/2008
Wow, this story was different.

Seeing Krad as a girl was funny but at the same time you have to feel a bit sorry for him.

Loved all the humor in this fic. Some of the best was the egg and family bits.

You're a great writer keep it up.
goldeneyekit chapter 21 . 12/19/2007
AH! its over! i hate it! no, jk, i love it! great dark/krad. though i love satoshi/daisuke more. you needed more of that, maybe...TT wah, it's over! sato/dai!

right, anyways...

the timeline was a bit off sometimes. in some areas, it was a bit tiresome, but it didnt degrade from the story. the characters werent too ooc. i could believe it happened.

maybe you should make a parallel and have it focussed on sato/dai?
Deji-chan chapter 21 . 7/14/2007
I read this whole story on the last day you finished it and to make a long story short, nya-chan, it was sweet, cute, adorable, and it made me cry! I loved it! I'm just reviewing to add you to my favorites! :glomp: Thank you for entertaining me Nya-chan!
Nikotehfox chapter 21 . 2/27/2007
Hah, anti-fish Risa. XP
Nikotehfox chapter 21 . 11/10/2006
I worship you! The idea of Krad as a girl is just too cute! You should make another one like this with the whole Krad is a girl thing. And you should have Dark say "You, me, whipped cream, and handcuffs. Any questions?" to Krad at one time or another(while Krad is still a girl). It would be hilarious!

Sorry for the insanity!
Shadowsonicstar chapter 19 . 10/29/2006
HAHAHHA! OMG This story is so funny! Keep up the good work!

RainboSynfulVengeance chapter 7 . 10/19/2006
hey i no a guy who seys like in every1 of his sentences ad one o our teachers threatend 2 give im a uni 4 it
Makurayami Ookami chapter 21 . 9/20/2006
ha ha! this was awesome. i loved it. i'm sad it's over.
Makurayami Ookami chapter 20 . 9/20/2006
this was hilarious.

aww! you can't do that. i didn't want them to go back.
Makurayami Ookami chapter 19 . 9/20/2006
good as time as any i guess.
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